- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid-proposed/webkit2gtk
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 11. By Alberto Garcia
* debian/
patches/ fix-ftbfs- hppa.patch:
+ Fix FTBFS in HPPA (Closes: #776281).
* debian/libwebkit2gtk- 4.0-doc. links:
+ Add symbolic link to make the documentation appear in devhelp
(Closes: #777589).
* debian/patches/ fix-gstreamer- leak.patch:
+ Fix memory leak in GStreamer code.
* debian/patches/ remote- inspector. patch:
+ Make the remote inspector work again.
* debian/patches/ render- block-cast. patch:
+ Fix invalid cast in WebCore::RenderBlock: :blockSelection Gaps.
* debian/patches/ fix-jit- crash.patch:
+ Fix crash in SpeculativeJIT::compile( ) when loading theblaze.com.
* debian/patches/ fix-null- renderer. patch:
+ NULL pointer check in HTMLPlugInImageElement.
* debian/patches/ fix-integer- overflow. patch:
+ Fix crash due to integer overflow.
* debian/patches/ serialized- script- value.patch:
+ Prevent unsafe access to internal types.
* debian/patches/ http-latin1. patch:
+ HTTP header values should be treated as latin1, not UTF-8.
* debian/patches/ fix-null- string- conversion. patch:
+ Add NULL check to convertToUTF8String().
* debian/patches/ fix-timers- animations. patch:
+ Timers might never be fired during animations.
* debian/patches/ fix-ax- crash.patch:
+ Recursive crash at WebCore::accessibleName ForNode.
* debian/patches/ fix-clearselect ion-segfault. patch:
+ Fix segfault when calling clearSelection on a detached RenderObject.
* debian/patches/ fix-date. patch:
+ String(new Date(Mar 30 2014 01:00:00)) is wrong in CET.
* debian/patches/ check-tls- errors. patch:
+ Check TLS errors as soon as they are set in the SoupMessage. - 10. By Alberto Garcia
* debian/
patches/ no-ssl- record- version. patch:
+ Don't use a SSL3.0 record version in client hello.
* debian/patches/ nullptr- accessibilityme nulistoption. patch:
+ Check for NULL pointers in AccessibilityMenuListOption.
* debian/patches/ nullptr- applystylecomma nd.patch:
+ Check for NULL pointer in ApplyStyleCommand.
* debian/patches/ nullptr- frameprogresstr acker.patch:
+ Check for NULL pointer in FrameProgressTracker.
* debian/patches/ render- text-control. patch:
+ Check for NULL pointer in SearchInputType.
* debian/patches/ twitter- inserted- text.patch:
+ Fix inserted text when typing in the Twitter message box.
* debian/patches/ protect- document. patch:
+ Protect Document in ProcessingInstruction: :setXSLStyleShe et(). This
is a security fix, see https://codereview. chromium. org/579133004.
* debian/patches/ at-spi2. patch:
+ Accessible values are no longer accessible via AT-SPI2.
* debian/patches/ ax-focus- events. patch:
+ Fix accessible focus events in non-focused combo boxes. - 9. By Alberto Garcia
* debian/
patches/ fix-mips64- build.patch:
+ Fix mips64el build (Closes: #767598).
* debian/patches/ flash-crash. patch:
+ Fix crash in the Flash player (Closes: #768341). - 7. By Alberto Garcia
* debian/rules:
+ Disable debugging symbols in armel and kfreebsd-amd64.
* debian/control:
+ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6; no changes needed. - 5. By Alberto Garcia
* debian/
patches/ atomic_ build_fix. patch:
+ Make -latomic work also when --as-needed is present (Closes:
* debian/rules:
+ Don't build -dbg packages if we don't have debugging symbols.
+ Disable debugging symbols in armhf (Closes: #764192). - 4. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>
[ Alberto Garcia ]
* debian/patches/ atomic_ build_fix. patch:
+ Add -latomic also to shared libraries.[ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ]
* debian/rules:
+ Disable debugging symbols on powerpc. Should fix the build
as otherwise the linker needs too much memory and fails.
+ Disable JIT on armel. Should fix the build.
* Upload to unstable. - 3. By Alberto Garcia
* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/ fix-textrel- x86.patch,
debian/patches/ change- libexec- dir.patch:
+ Remove.
* debian/patches/ dfg-jit. patch,
debian/patches/ install- minibrowser. patch,
debian/patches/ restore_ sparc_code. patch:
+ Refresh.
* debian/patches/ atomic_ build_fix. patch:
+ Add -latomic to fix build in some architectures.
* debian/patches/ css-image- set.patch:
+ Enable CSS_IMAGE_SET, required in order to display all inspector
* debian/rules:
+ Disable JIT completely in mips and mipsel, it does not build at the
moment, see https://bugs.webkit. org/show_ bug.cgi? id=136753.
+ Enable JIT in armel and armhf.
* debian/copyright:
+ Update with all the changes in 2.6.0 (Closes: #760477).
* debian/libwebkit2gtk- 4.0-37. symbols:
+ Update.
* Make gir1.2- and -dev packages multi-arch compliant:
+ debian/gir1.2- javascriptcoreg tk-4.0. install,
debian/gir1.2- webkit2- 4.0.install:
- Put .typelib files in /usr/lib/<arch>/ girepository- 1.0.
+ debian/control:
- Add Multi-Arch field to the affected packages.
+ debian/gir1.2- javascriptcoreg tk-4.0. links,
debian/libjavascriptco regtk-4. 0-dev.links:
- Remove old compatibility links.
+ debian/patches/ fix-header- template. patch:
- Make WebKitEnumTypes.h equal in all builds by not including the
name of the build directory.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid/webkit2gtk