
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid/ultrastar-ng
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Recent revisions

6. By Miriam Ruiz

[ Miriam Ruiz ]
* New Upstream Release (Closes: #453132)
* Removed unneeded patches
* Added packages to build deps:
  + libtool
  + portaudio19-dev | portaudio-dev
  + libboost-dev, libboost-thread-dev, libboost-serialization-dev
  + libboost-program-options-dev, libboost-regex-dev
* Moved shared objects to private directory: /usr/lib/ultraster-ng
* Added rpath to binaries to search for shared objects in the private dir
* Uses ultrastar-ng-gstreamer as default, instead of ultrastar-ng-xine,
  since there are significantly less issues with GStreamer.
* Added patch to fix upstream desktop file
* Added -Wl,-as-needed to LDFLAGS
* Replaced fftw3-dev by libfftw3-dev in build dependencies.
* Standards-Version upgraded to 3.7.3

[ Mario Bonino ]
* Fixed data/Makefile.am to install .desktop file and icon

[ Jon Dowland ]
* add Homepage: control field to source stanza
* fix a bashism in debian/rules (Closes: #478634)

[ Ansgar Burchardt ]
* debian/control: Change XS-Vcs-* to Vcs-*
* Remove Homepage semi-field from description

5. By Steve Kowalik

* Change fftw3-dev to libfftw3-dev.
* Munge Maintainer field as per spec.

4. By Miriam Ruiz

[ Miriam Ruiz ]
* Added patch to support previewing ogg files with xine (Closes: #430531)
* Added patch to check that SDL is properly initialized (Closes: #427386)
* Added patch to prevent incorrect singing screens in songs with wrong
  #BACKGROUND or #VIDEO headers (Closes: #435383)

[ Jon Dowland ]
* update menu section to "Games/Action" for menu policy transition.
  Thanks Linas Žvirblis.

[ Cyril Brulebois ]
* Added XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser fields in the control file.

3. By Miriam Ruiz

* Build-Depends on libcairo2-dev (>= 1.2)
* Modified rules so that the icon and desktop files appear in both flavours
  of the program.
* Added rule-flavour type of targets in debian/rules, so that it is
  easier to maintain.
* New Upstream Release.
  + Added difficulty level
  + Added to-start cursor
  + Added audio pause/seek
  + Added practice screen
  + Added ingame fullscreen support
  + Rewrote of the lyrics parsing and screen API
  + Added manpage, desktop and pixmap files
  + Fixed latest unscaled graphics
  + Bufixes and memleak fixes
* Reconfigure autotools files before running configure.
  Added build dependencies: autoconf, automake1.10
* Added patch to avoid rebuilding the man page, not working properly.

2. By Miriam Ruiz

Initial release (Closes: #411708)

1. By Miriam Ruiz

Import upstream version 0.1.3

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