
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

84. By Stéphane Graber

ignore_erofs.patch: Same as ignore_eaccess but for the case where
part of /proc is read/only. (LP: #1419554)

83. By Adam Conrad

Copy 10-zeropage.conf.armhf to 10-zeropage.conf.arm64 (LP: #1415481)

82. By Brian Murray

No change rebuild to get debug symbols for all architectures.

81. By Dimitri John Ledkov

* Move procps upstart job to procps-instance, and make procps job to not
  be a task, such that startpar knows that procps has already run.
  (LP: #1326338)
* Build with a fixed debhelper. (unlike previous ubuntu4 upload).

80. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Move procps upstart job to procps-instance, and make procps job to not
be a task, such that startpar knows that procps has already run.

79. By Dimitri John Ledkov

No change rebuild against new dh_installinit, to call update-rc.d at

78. By Matthias Klose

Fix libprocps.so symlink to point to libprocps.so.3.

77. By Matthias Klose

* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
  - debian/sysctl.d (Ubuntu-specific):
    + 10-console-messages.conf: stop low-level kernel messages on console.
    + 10-kernel-hardening.conf: add the kptr_restrict setting
    + 10-keyboard.conf.powerpc: mouse button emulation on PowerPC.
    + 10-ipv6-privacy.conf: add a file to sysctl.d to apply the defaults
      for IPv6 privacy extensions for interfaces. (LP: #176125, #841353)
    + 10-link-restrictions.conf: even though the Ubuntu
      kernel is built with these defaults in place, we want to make sure
      that people running stock kernels don't miss out.
    + 10-magic-sysrq.conf: Disable most magic sysrq by default, allowing
      critical sync, remount, reboot functions. (LP: #194676, LP: #1025467)
    + 10-network-security.conf: enable rp_filter and SYN-flood protection.
    + 10-ptrace.conf: describe new PTRACE setting.
    + 10-zeropage.conf: safe mmap_min_addr value for graceful fall-back.
    + README: describe how this directory is supposed to work.
  - debian/upstart (Ubuntu-specific): upstart configuration to replace old
    style sysv init script
  - Fix cross build
  - ignore_eaccess.patch: If we get eaccess when opening a sysctl file for
    writing, don't error out. Otherwise package upgrades can fail,
    especially in containers. (LP: #1157643)
  - Build using dh-autoreconf, update libtool.m4.
  - Build-depend on pkg-config.

76. By Matthias Klose

Build-depend on pkg-config.

75. By Matthias Klose

* Build using dh-autoreconf, update libtool.m4.
* Fix build with glibc-2.18/linux-3.13.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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