
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

11. By Adam Conrad

Straight backport to vivid for ppc64el hardware enablement.

10. By Adam Conrad

* New upstream release, with LE and hotplug fixes (LP: #1441856)
* Drop our ppc64_cpu manpage, upstream has written a better one.

9. By Adam Conrad

* New upstream release, with still more LE fixes (closes: #767854)
* Update debian/watch site from ozlabs to sf.net (closes: #774958)

8. By Adam Conrad

New upstream release, with more little-endian fixes (LP: #1359422)

7. By Adam Conrad

* Adopt powerpc-ibm-utils, in conjuction with IBM (closes: #677761)
* New upstream release, with several endianness and other bug fixes.
* Define the new --threads-per-core option in our ppc64_cpu manpage.

6. By Adam Conrad

* QA Upload.
* New upstream release, with ofpathname and lsslot fixes.
* ofpathname should work on all platforms now (closes: #611588),
  though still doesn't handle appending partition info (#405337)

5. By Adam Conrad

* QA Upload.
* New upstream release (closes: #737112)
* Convert to dh(1) and bump build-dep to debhelper 9.
* Drop obsolete debian/patches.
* Enable build on ppc64el.
* Update ppc64_cpu manpage with new options.
* Add missing build-dep on zlib1g-dev.

4. By Aurelien Jarno

* QA upload.
* Set the maintainer to Debian QA Group <email address hidden> and remove
  the uploaders.
* New upstream version:
  - Fixes build with non-bash shells (closes: #612543).
  - Fixes ofpathname (closes: #607001)
  - Add a build-depends on librtas-dev, librtasevent-dev.
* Add a depends on bc for ofpathname (closes: #625728).
* Switch to 3.0 (quilt) format.
* Add build-arch and build-indep targets.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
* Remove Vcs-* entries from debian/control as they are not valid anymore.
* Add ppc64 to the list of architectures.

3. By Aurélien GÉRÔME

* New upstream release. (Closes: #436937)
  + Write and add a manpage for the ppc64_cpu utility.
  + Update long description in debian/control to include the
    ppc64_cpu utility.
* These utilities are not really tied to a specific bootloader,
  such as yaboot, because grub2 makes use of ofpathname. Therefore,
  instead of the Yaboot Maintainers Team, set the maintainer to me.
* Switch from dpatch to quilt.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3.
* Add the Homepage field and remove it from the long description.
* Add the Vcs-Git/Vcs-Browser fields.
* Add the DM-Upload-Allowed field.
* Fix lintian warning "debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error
  line 44".
* Remove unused configure target in debian/rules.
* Remove the lsprop utility which is already in the powerpc-utils

2. By Aurélien GÉRÔME

* Initial release. (Closes: #386675)
* Set priority/section to important/utils like the powerpc-utils

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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