
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid/poppler-data
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

13. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/rules
  - use default xz compression rate is better result than -z9 -Sextream
    (Closes: #679774)

12. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/rules
  - use default xz compression rate is better result than -z9 -Sextream
    (Closes: #679774)

11. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/control
  - improve description (Closes: #674569)
    Thanks to Justin B Rye <email address hidden> for help.

10. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/rules
  - add "-Sextreme -z9" option to dh_debbuild
* debian/control
  - add "Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6~)"
  - bump up debhelper version to deal with xz option
  - remove gs-cjk-resource-6.0 and gs-cjk-resource-6.5 since it seems to be
    private package or something, had never existed in Official repository.
  - move gs-aladdin (<= 6.50-5) from Conflicts: to Breaks: to be more
    Policy polite
* debian/compat
  - set 9
* debian/copyright
  - update "Format:" field to

9. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/control
  - update "fonts-arphic-ukai, fonts-arphic-uming", not ttf-*

8. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/90gs-cjk-resource-*.conf
  - import from gs-cjk-resource package
* debian/copyright
  - update
* debian/control
  - adjust dependency to work upgrade smoothly.
    Thanks to Osamu Aoki (Closes: #674572)
  - now this package provides functions of gs-cjk-resource,
    so import "Enhances: ghostscript", Suggests and Conflicts from
    gs-cjk-resource package.
* debian/dirs
  - add "etc/ghostscript/cidfmap.d"
* debian/postinst,prerm
  - import from gs-cjk-resource
* debian/compat
  - set 7

7. By Hideki Yamane

* Upload to unstable with cmap-adobe* and gs-cjk-resource maintainer's ACK.
* debian/rules
  - use "dh_debbuild -- -Zxz" to compress package with xz.
* debian/copyright
  - fix "W: copyright-refers-to-versionless-license-file"
    At that time, /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL seemed to be GPL-2, so
    specify it as GPL-2

6. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/copyright
  - fix lintian warning

5. By Hideki Yamane

* debian/NEWS
  - reformat it.

4. By Hideki Yamane

debian/control: delete "Suggests: libpoppler4"
Fix "Suggests on lipoppler4 should be dropped as libpoppler already
comes from poppler-utils" (Closes: #533263)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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