
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

23. By Tim Lunn

New upstream release (LP: #1399047)

22. By Artur Rona

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-sessions.patch:
    + Set X-LightDM-DesktopName to GNOME for GNOME session.
  - debian/gnome-shell-extensions.gsettings-override:
    + Removed, no longer useful.

21. By Artur Rona

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-sessions.patch:
    + Set X-LightDM-DesktopName to GNOME for GNOME session.
  - debian/gnome-shell-extensions.gsettings-override:
    + Removed, no longer useful.
  - debian/watch:
    + Watch for stable versions.

20. By Jackson Doak

* New upstream release.
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-sessions.patch:
    + Set X-LightDM-DesktopName to GNOME for GNOME session.
  - debian/gnome-shell-extensions.gsettings-override: removed, no longer useful
  - debian/watch: watch for stable versions
* Droped changes:
  - debian/patches/git-remove-e4x.patch. Fixed upstream
  - debian/rules: remove alternative-status-menu and xrandr extensions
    Fixed in debian

19. By Tim Lunn

debian/patches/git-remove-e4x.patch: Remove e4x from places
menu as required for js24 (LP: #1291000)

18. By Tim Lunn

* New upstream release (LP: #1269916)
* debian/rules: remove alternative-status-menu and xrandr extensions,
  these have been removed upstream
* debian/gnome-shell-extensions.gsettings-override: removed, no longer useful
* debian/watch: watch for stable versions

17. By Artur Rona

* Merge from Debian unstable. (LP: #1259871) Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-sessions.patch:
    + Set X-LightDM-DesktopName to GNOME for GNOME session.

16. By Jeremy BĂ­cha

* New upstream bugfix release.
  - systemMonitor blocks the message tray menu properly
  - translation updates
* Dropped patches applied in new version:
  - fix-hibernate.patch
  - fix-applications-menu-resolution-change.patch
  - look-in-data-home-for-themes.patch

15. By Tim Lunn

* debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-sessions.patch
  - Set X-LightDM-DesktopName to GNOME for GNOME session (LP: #1212408)

14. By Andreas Henriksson

[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* New upstream release
  - default-min-max and static-workspaces extensions have been dropped.
    Use Classic Mode or tweak org.gnome.shell.overrides in dconf-editor
* debian/control.in:
  - Depend on gnome-session 3.8, required for the new Classic mode.
  - Update homepage
* debian/patches/dont-require-nautilus-classic.patch:
  - Don't require nautilus-classic since it forces desktop icons
* debian/patches/fix-applications-menu-resolution-change.patch:
  - Backport commit to not break applications menu when screen resolution
* debian/patches/fix-hibernate.patch:
  - Backport patch to fix checking whether hibernate is allowed
* debian/patches/look-in-data-home-for-themes.patch:
  - Backport commit to also look in XDG_DATA_HOME (usually ~/.local/share/)
    for user themes
* debian/rules:
  - Run autoreconf

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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