
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

12. By Adam Conrad

No-change rebuild for the libgcrypt20 transition.

11. By Andreas Henriksson

* Add debian/patches/bgo737622.patch
  - fix race in Makefile to avoid FTBFS.

10. By Andreas Henriksson

* New upstream release.
* Update build-dependencies according to configure.ac changes:
  + Bump libglib2.0-dev to >= 2.38.0
  + Bump libgcrypt11-dev to >= 1.4.5
* Update debian/libgcr-base-3-1.symbols

9. By Andreas Henriksson

New upstream release.

8. By Andreas Henriksson

[ Laurent Bigonville ]
* debian/control.in: Switch to libtasn1-6-dev and libtasn1-6-bin
  (Closes: #715354)

[ Andreas Henriksson ]
* New upstream release.
* Add explicit xsltproc build-dependency (used by introspection generation)
* Drop debian/patches, both patches include in upstream release.
  - debian/patches/Allow-valgrind-support-to-be-completely-disabled.patch
  - debian/patches/Fix-compilation-if-valgrind-support-is-completely-.patch
* Fix {build-,}dependency: libtasn1-6-bin -> libtasn1-bin
* Add 2 new symbols to debian/libgck-1-0.symbols
* Add 7 new symbols to debian/libgcr-base-3-1.symbols
* Add 3 new symbols to debian/libgcr-ui-3-1.symbols
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5
* libgck-1-dev: install usr/share/vala/vapi/pkcs11.vapi

7. By Laurent Bigonville

[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* Update homepage

[ Laurent Bigonville ]
* d/p/Allow-valgrind-support-to-be-completely-disabled.patch,
  debian/rules: Disable valgrind macros, this is seems to cause
  miscompilations on some architectures (Closes: #678496)
* debian/rules, debian/control: Add call to dh-autoreconf

6. By Laurent Bigonville

* debian/control.in
  - Fix typo in gir1.2-gcr-3 long description (Closes: #699679)
  - Use canonical URL for Vcs-Svn field
* debian/rules: Use DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND instead of LDFLAGS and include
  buildflags.mk to avoid overriding hardening flags
* Bump debhelper and cdbs build-dependencies and convert the package to
  multi-arch (Closes: #692743)

5. By Michael Biebl

* GnuTLS was switched back to libtasn1-3 from libtasn1-6, so do the same
  until there is a proper transition.
* Split libgcr-3-1 into libgcr-base-3-1 and libgcr-ui-3-1 and make
  libgcr-3-1 a transitional package depending on both. This avoids problems
  should the sonames of the two libraries ever get out of sync. For the gir
  and -dev package we will keep a single package.
* Add the necessary Breaks/Replaces to ensure proper upgrades.
* Add Build-Depends on autotools-dev as lintian was complaining about
  outdated config.{guess,sub}.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4. No further changes.
* Upload to unstable.

4. By Michael Biebl

* Fix the Breaks/Replaces in libgcr-3-common. Closes: #673581
* Drop obsolete Replaces for libgnome-keyring-dev (<< 2.25).

3. By Jordi Mallach

* Let libgck-1-0 break gnome-keyring and seahorse (<< 3.4), as their
  3.2.x versions don't work when using the new lib.
* Upload to unstable.

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