
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

24. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/10-blue-ray-bug713016.patch:
  - apply patch from Thomas Schmitt to fix in session closing
    on blue ray (closes: #713016), LP: #1113679
* added myself to uploaders

23. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/10-blue-ray-bug713016.patch:
  - apply patch from Thomas Schmitt to fix in session closing
    on blue ray (closes: #713016), LP: #1113679

22. By Colin Watson

Rebuild for new armel compiler default of ARMv5t.

21. By Rogério Theodoro de Brito

* Add patch to fix grammar in manpage. Closes: #607605.
  Thanks Jon McManus <email address hidden>.
* Ignore pseudo-overwrite response from Bluray devices. Closes: #615978.

20. By Rogério Theodoro de Brito

debian/control: add information that growisofs Breaks/Replaces older
dvd+rw-tools, as files were moved to it. Closes: #602854.

19. By Rogério Theodoro de Brito

[ Rogério Brito ]
* [decae9d] Drop genisoimage to recommends. Closes: #565874
* [2f59000] This package complies to policy 3.8.4.
* [0cedd75] Fix override disparity between package and ftpmasters'
* [6f78f78] Initial version of manpage for dvd-ram-control, fixing a
  lintian warning.
* [76d161f] Add (very) preliminary documentation to -use-the-force-
  luke options. Closes: #276701
* [2e4186a] Preliminary registering with doc-base. Closes: #451688

[ TANIGUCHI Takaki ]
* [9a8ffbc] change section from utils to video
* [08bebff] remove unneed Section:

[ Rogério Brito ]
* [a3bb0fb] Refresh the patches
* [524f4d2] Update to source format "3.0 (quilt)"
* [1fe998b] Confirm that the package conforms to Policy 3.9.1.
* [b5d63c1] Fix lintian's doc-base-file-separator-extra-whitespaces.
* [cca8441] Fix manpage errors for dvd-ram-control.

18. By takaki

* New maintainer (Closes: #543837)
* debian/README.soruce: create
* debian/control: add Vcs-*.

17. By James Westby

Import packaging changes for version 7.1-5

16. By Daniel Baumann

* Correcting spelling mistake in rpl8 manpage, thanks to James
  Youngman <email address hidden> (Closes: #474038).
* Updating vcs fields in control file.
* Using patch-stamp rather than patch in rules file.
* Replacing obsolete dh_clean -k with dh_prep.
* Updating rules to current state of the art.
* Updating year in copyright file.
* Using quilt rather than dpatch.
* Prefixing debhelper files with package name.
* Adding patch from Kees Cook <email address hidden> to fix wctomb called
  with too small a buffer, patch originally taken from fedora (Closes:

15. By Kees Cook

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - Add debian/patches/20-wctomb.patch: fix unsafe buffer length in
    call to wctomb (debian bug 497833).

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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