
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

17. By Mike Gabriel

* New upstream release.
* debian/rules:
  + Don't call dh_lintian twice.
* lintian:
  + Drop now unused override: maintainer-script-should-not-use-service.

16. By Mike Gabriel

* New upstream release.
* debian/uif.postinst:
  + Provide a DebConf mediated workstation config that also protects
    from IPv6 attacks.
* debian/patches:
  + Drop 0001_allow-neightbor-advertisement.patch. Part of new release.

15. By Mike Gabriel

* debian/patches:
  + Add 0001_allow-neightbor-advertisement.patch. By default allow ICMPv6
    packet type 136, as well. Also allow inbound ICMPv6 by default.

14. By Mike Gabriel

* New upstream release.
  - Provide IPv6 support. (Closes: #679744).
* debian/control:
  + Bump Standards: to 3.9.5. No changes needed.
  + Alioth-canonicalize Vcs-Git: field.
* debian/rules:
  + Add get-orig-source rule.
  + Leaving clean-up to dh_clean.
* debian/*.docs:
  + Install README* files into bin:package.
* debian/rules:
  + Run dh_link during install.
* debian/uif.postinst:
  + Adapt debconf based configuration of workstation profile to IPv6
    capabilities. Also enable IPv6 by default if uif is configured
    via debconf.
  + Calls of update-rc.d are now handled by debhelper. Add #DEBHELPER#
    macro after the new uif configuration has been created by debconf.
* debian/uif.init:
  + Provide an LSB compliant init script for Debian.
* debian/uif.install:
  + Don't install upstream's init script on Debian system.
* lintian:
  + Provide override for maintainer-script-should-not-use-service. It is
    a false-positive.

13. By Mike Gabriel

* /debian/control:
  + Drop uif-ldap from Suggests: field. No such package exists in
* /debian/uif.docs:
  + Install README file into docs.

12. By Mike Gabriel

* New upstream release.
  + Don't fail if Net::LDAP is not installed. (Closes: #273119).
  + Ship default uif.conf file. (Closes: #273117).
* /debian/control:
  + Add Homepage: field.
  + Move libnet-ldap-perl from Depends: to Recommends: field.
* /debian/copyright:
  + Use DEP-5 copyright format.
* /debian/watch:
  + A watch file has been added.
* /debian/po/de.po:
  + Convert encoding to UTF-8

11. By Mike Gabriel

Add closure for WNPP orphanage bug (Closes: #706290). New maintainer of uif
is Mike Gabriel <email address hidden>.

10. By Mike Gabriel

* New maintainer: Mike Gabriel <email address hidden>.
* /debian/control:
  + Add fields: Vcs-Git, Vcs-Browser.
* /debian/source/format: 3.0 (quilt).
* Lintian issues fixed:
  + W: uif source: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-arch.
  + W. uif source: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-indep.
  + W: uif source: stray-translated-debconf-templates templates.de.
* Bumped Standards: field to: 3.9.4 (after above changes).

9. By gregor herrmann

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix "uif uses deprecated position of ! to negate rules":
  patch uif.pl to put '!' before the parameters.
  Thanks to Alex Owen for the bug report and the initial patch.
  (Closes: #683312)
* Fix "New Japanese translation": add ja.po, thanks to victory.
  (Closes: #692838)

8. By Cajus Pollmeier

* New upstream version.
* Fix incompatibility with new conntrack modules.
* Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
  - Danish. Closes: #590000
* Fix rate limiting issue. Closes: #514993
* Made alias interfaces valid interfaces. Closes: #496751

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