- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic-proposed/snowdrop
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 10. By Andreas Metzler <email address hidden>
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Build-Depend on libgnutls-openssl- dev instead of libgnutls-dev to allow
transitioning to newer GnuTLS. Closes: #731474
* Stop unnecessary linkage against gnutls-extra to allow building against
newer GnuTLS versions. Closes: #725723 - 9. By Simon Kainz
* Fixed typos in snowdrop.c (fix-typos-
in-source. patch).
* Moved info from README.Debian- source concerning upstream into debian/watch. - 8. By Simon Kainz
* New maintainer. (Closes: #557585: ITA: snowdrop -- plain text
watermarking and watermark recovery)
* Push standards to the most recent version 3.9.2
* Fix several typos in man page.
* Fix wrong file entry in man page. - 7. By Arno Töll <email address hidden>
* QA upload.
* Move VCS to Alioth (collab-maint), update VCS links in debian/control
* Make package ready for dpkg 1.16.1 and inject build flags into the build
* Fix a small syntax error in debian/changelog to make it correctly recognize
the new last paragraph.
* The debian/ directory is also relicensed to GPL-2+ with OpenSSL linking
exception to avoid any possible ambiguity. - 6. By Arno Töll <email address hidden>
* QA upload.
* Push debhelper compatibility to v8
* Convert package to 3.0 (quilt) format
* Move man page to debian/ (thus, leave upstream source directory untouched)
* Track changes to upstream source in a quilt patch (use-tls.patch)
* Link as needed (-Wl,--as-needed, in link-as-needed. patch)
* Push Standards to the most recent version 3.9.2
* Fix "Very minor typo in manpage" fix several typos (Closes: #608868)
* Switch debian/copyright to DEP-5
* Use `pkg-config' in Makefile instead of `libgnutls-config'. The latter was
obsolete since GnuTLS
* Provide future uploaders a hint in `debian/README. Debian- source' to learn
about changes in the upstream tarball, as the original file is not ver-
sioned - 3. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>
* Updated to libgnutls11. Closes: #264736
(NB: still linked to libgcrypt7 as well as 11 because of libopencdk8.
versioned symbols make this work, I'll rebuild when libopencdk8 is
* Work around temporary breakage in libgnutls-extra-config.
* Add -g to CFLAGS.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid/snowdrop