
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

212. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0211-module-stream-restore-use-entry_write-when-filling-u.patch =>
  - Renaming as it was accepted upstream
* 0212-libpulse.vapi-adding-missing-fields-for-sink_input-s.patch:
  - Patch sent upstream, adding link to the thread
* 0207-Enable-pulseaudio-droid.patch:
  - Fixing route when adding/removing devices (LP: #1363083)

211. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0211-module-stream-restore-use-entry_write-when-filling-u.patch:
  - Fixing use case for fallback_table, so we can provide default values
    for stream restore
* 0212-libpulse.vapi-adding-missing-fields-for-sink_input-s.patch:
  - Adding missing fields for sink_input/source_output structs

210. By Ricardo Salveti

* debian/pulseaudio.install:
  - Installing missing module-role-ducking
* 0107-sink-source-Fix-restore-of-volume-on-devices-without.patch:
  - Updated version of 0211-fix-volume-max-boot.patch, that was merged
* 0207-Enable-pulseaudio-droid.patch:
  - Adding option to create voice virtual stream when voicecall is active

209. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0210-module-device-restore-adding-property-to-skip.patch:
  - Adding property to skip device store/restore per sink/source
* 0211-fix-volume-max-boot.patch:
  - Fix initial volume for sink (LP: #598308)
* 0207-Enable-pulseaudio-droid.patch:
  - Adding support to track voice call volume when switching to the
    voicecall mode

208. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0207-Enable-pulseaudio-droid.patch:
  - Fixing default priority for sink/source ports

207. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0207-Enable-pulseaudio-droid.patch:
  - droid-sink: enabling transport property on sco.fakesink
  - droid-source: setting up default audio source
* 0208-module-bluetooth-device-Allow-leaving-transport-runn.patch:
  - module-bluetooth-device: Allow leaving transport running while sink and
    source source are suspended.
* 0209-module-switch-on-connect-adding-parameter-to-allow-s.patch:
  - module-switch-on-connect: adding parameter to allow skipping abstract

206. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0207-Enable-pulseaudio-droid.patch:
  - Skipping SPEAKER_DRC_ENABLED_TAG as it's not yet supported (available on
  - Adding missing flags (AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD and

205. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0024-daemon-conf.c-changing-default-rlimit_rttime-value-t.patch:
  - Changing default rlimit_rttime value as rtkit's limit is now 200ms

204. By Ricardo Salveti

* Removing 0201-ALSA-Add-extcon-Android-switch-jack-detection.patch,
  0204-Add-module-to-talk-to-the-Android-audio-hal-to-set-u.patch and
  Disable-tsched-for-Nexus-10.patch code migrated to the pulse droid module
* Removing 0206-enable-module-switch-on-connect-ubuntu-touch.patch, as touch
  as its own script file now
* 0206-module-bluetooth-discover-adding-module-option-profi.patch:
  - Adding module option 'profile' in module-bluetooth-discover
* 0207-Enable-pulseaudio-droid.patch:
  - Adding pulseaudio-droid element (used by Ubuntu Touch)
* debian/control: adding pulseaudio-module-droid

203. By Ricardo Salveti

* 0206-enable-module-switch-on-connect-ubuntu-touch.patch:
  - Enable module switch-on-connect by default on Ubuntu Touch

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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