
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic-proposed/kile
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

51. By Filip Sohajek

debian/control: Remove unused depedency on package texlive-doc-base (LP: #1360709)

50. By Philip Muškovac

Don't run optipng during archive build.
(applied in debian svn so package can be synced with 4:2.1.3-3)

49. By Mark Purcell

* Upload to unstable
* Update debian/control - vcs-field-not-canonical & Standards-Version
* Update debian/copyright GFDL-1.2 - fix copyright-refers-to-symlink-
* Update Description: fix extended-description-is-probably-too-short

48. By Philip Muškovac

Fix watch file to work with 3-digit version numbers

47. By Prasad Murthy

* New upstream release
* Drop kubuntu_02_disable_embedded_kbibtex.diff as kbibtex is now usable with kde4
* Add kbibtex to suggests
* Change the Vcs links to the Ubuntu bzr branch

46. By Rohan Garg

New upstream bug fix release [LP: #1009626]

45. By Rohan Garg

Add kubuntu_use_utf8.diff to prevent pulling in texlive-latex-extra

44. By Philip Muškovac

export NO_PNG_PKG_MANGLE=1 so the image metadata isn't stripped from the
latex symbol icons in the archive builds as kile depends on it.
This really fixes LP: #772631

43. By Jonathan Riddell

No changes rebuild to fix binary package, LP: #772631

42. By Fathi Boudra

* New upstream release. (Closes: #630122)
* Add kile-l10n package (replace kile-i18n).
* Remove patches:
  - 00_root_document_not_detected_kde_bug_233667.diff - stolen upstream.
  - 03_mime_install_dir.diff - merged upstream.
* Update debian/rules: remove bibtex.xml/latex.xml work around. The files
  aren't shipped by kile anymore.
* Cleanup dependencies (Closes: #625916):
  - remove from Depends: texlive-base-bin.
  - add to Recommends: texlive.
  - demote to Suggests: lilypond, texlive-xetex, asymptote, context, dblatex,
    latex2html, tex4ht.
  - remove from Recommends:, okular | evince | gv,
    kbibtex | pybliographer | gbib | jabref, konqueror | firefox, dvipdfmx,

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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