
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

12. By Iain Lane

Re-add << version to thunderbird Conflicts, fixing coinstallability.

11. By Merge-o-Matic

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - Add extrawords.txt, process in debian/rules

10. By Martin Pitt

No-change rebuild against current dictionaries-common to drop call to
update-openoffice-dicts. (LP: #901572)

9. By Bryce Harrington

* extrawords.txt:
  - Add oneiric (LP: #773646)

8. By Daniel T Chen

* Merge from Debian testing, remaining changes:
  - extrawords.txt, debian/rules

7. By Mackenzie Morgan

Merge with Debian, keeping all Ubuntu changes (extrawords.txt and its
support in debian/rules)

6. By Mackenzie Morgan

debian/extrawords.txt: added "misandry" and "misandrist" (LP: #436145)

5. By Mackenzie Morgan

debian/extrawords.txt: added "blogs" and "blogger" (LP: #392286)

4. By Bryce Harrington

* debian/rules: Add support for an extrawords.txt file with additional
  words to include in the spell checker.
* debian/extrawords.txt:
  + Add Ubuntu, UbuntuOne, Kubuntu, Shuttleworth, et al (LP: #63499)
  + Add Debian
  + Add blog, blogging, blogged (LP: #353522)

3. By Arne Goetje

debian/control: fix thunderbird entry in Conflicts (LP: #227711)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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