
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

291. By not-used-anymore

debian/gdm.init - removed extra unmatched "fi" line 78 (LP: #1315442)

290. By Gunnar Hjalmarsson

* debian/patches/ubuntu_config_error_dialog.patch:
  - Show warning dialog in case of error in ~/.profile etc. and
    don't let a syntax error make the login fail (LP: #678421).
* debian/control.in:
  - Add bash to Depends.

289. By Tim Lunn

debian/patches/ubuntu_upstart_event.patch: Don't emit upstart events
when running systemd init

288. By Tim Lunn

* debian/patches/ubuntu_nvidia_prime.patch:
  - Add hook to run prime-offload (as root) and prime-switch if
    nvidia-prime is installed (LP: #1262068)

287. By Dimitri John Ledkov

No change rebuild against new dh_installinit, to call update-rc.d at

286. By Tim Lunn

* Add systemd integration (based on changes in lightdm)
  - debian/control.in: depend on dh_systemd
  - debian/gdm.postinst: Set /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
    symlink according to /etc/X11/default-display-manager.
  - debian/gdm.install: install gdm service file

285. By Tim Lunn

debian/rules: really fix the killed session with
an override of dh_installinit with --no-start

284. By Tim Lunn

* debian/gdm.postinst:
  - Don't kill gdm, since this brings down the current session when upgrading

283. By Tim Lunn

* New Upstream Release (LP: #1269981)
* debian/rules:
  - remove obsolete --with-incomplete-locales configure option
  - enable parallel builds
* debian/patches/08_frequent-users_greeter.patch: Dropped, gnome-shell generates
  the greeter list by directly querying accountsservice, so this patch now
  achieves nothing
* debian/control.in: Drop depends on dbus-glib, pango, fontconfig, upower, nss
* debian/patches/93_private_lib.patch: Refreshed
* Move schema file to libgdm
  - gnome-shell requires direct access to this now.
* Merge some changes from Debian
  - debian/rules:
    + Also drop gdm-simple-greeter.desktop, simple-greeter is
      definitely gone
    + List non-installed files
    + Append --libdir=\$${prefix}/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) to
  - debian/control.in:
    + Drop Depends on policykit-1-gnome, with the gdm-fallback session gone,
      this dependency is no longer required.
    + Make build depend on debhelper (>= 8.1.3) and cdbs (>= 0.4.93~) and
      add Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} to shared libs packages to
      support Multi-Arch
    + Split libgdm adding a libgdm-dev package
    + Rename libgdm to libgdm1 and update the package description
    + Add a gir1.2-gdm3 package for GObject introspection data
  - debian/patches:
    + Drop 93_private_lib.patch. Don't install the shared library
      in a private directory.
  - debian/gdm.lintian-overrides:
    + Drop gdm: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath
      usr/lib/gdm/gdm-simple-chooser /usr/lib/gdm since the gdm libraries
      are not private anymore.
  - debian/gdm.dirs: Drop usr/share/gdm/greeter-settings/, not needed anymore
    since 3.4.1-1
  - debian/gdm.install: Install the files debian overrides as the last ones
    so we don't accidentally include upstream versions.
  - Apply patch from Paul Wise to avoid userdel error messages
    from being used as input for debconf if gdm3 is purged while
    processes are still running as Debian-gdm (Closes: #657751)
[ Rico Tzschichholz ]
* debian/rules:
  - Drop authdir references

282. By Tim Lunn

* debian/patches/ubuntu_export_XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP.patch:
  - Set $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP if specified in the xsession file.
    (LP: #1212408)

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