
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic/fftw3
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

29. By Martin Pitt

* Merge with Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - Remove the mpi packages not suitable for main.

28. By Martin Pitt

Add missing build-essential test dependency for the "build" autopkgtest.

27. By Matthias Klose

Don't configure with --enable-neon on AArch64.

26. By Matthias Klose

* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
  - Remove the mpi packages not suitable for main.

25. By Matthias Klose

* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
  - Remove the mpi packages not suitable for main.

24. By Julian Taylor

* Merge with Debian (LP: #1088051), remaining changes:
  - remove the mpi packages not suitable for main

23. By Julian Taylor

* merge with Debian, remaining changes:
  - remove the mpi packages not suitable for main
  - add debian/source/extended-diff-ignore to ignore generated files
  - add hardening flags to long long test so build log check does not complain

22. By Julian Taylor

* merge with Debian (LP: #1007259, #781726)
* remove the mpi packages not suitable for main
* add debian/source/extended-diff-ignore to ignore generated files
* add hardening flags to long long test so build log check does not complain

21. By Matthias Klose

* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
  - Revert the ARM workaround.

20. By Matthias Klose

Revert the armel work-around. LP: #841437.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
