
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

6. By Jose Luis Rivero

Make both empy versions, python2 and python3, coinstallable. The binary
empy provided by python3 is now renaming under the empy3. This allow to
run empy on python2 code (using empy executable) or on python3 code
(using empy3 executable). (Closes: #755113).

5. By Ana Beatriz Guerrero López

[ Jose Luis Rivero ]
* Include patch to support python3. Thanks to Dirk Thomas. (Closes: #732101)
* Add python3-empy: update debian/control, add manpages and dir files.
* Add build depends on dh-python, python-setuptools, python3-all and
* Update debian/rules:
 - stop calling setup.sh manually and use pybuild.
 - replace cp command with install.

[ Ana Guerrero Lopez ]
* Add examples to python3-empy.
* Add conflicts between python-empy and python3-empy since they both
  install the same binary and manpage.
* Update to standards-Version 3.9.5, no changes required.

4. By Ana Beatriz Guerrero López

* Full packaging revamp, it was about time!
  - Now using debian/control field for the homepage.
    (Closes: #615387, #615456)
  - It should work with 'pip' now. (Closes: #695581)
  - Stop using dh_python. (Closes: #715297)
* Remove Conflicts/Replaces, after 3 releases they are surely not needed
  anymore ;)

3. By Ana Beatriz Guerrero López

* Switching from python-central to python-support.
* Removing debhelper from Build-Depends-Indep.
* First upload as DD, yay!

2. By Ana Beatriz Guerrero López

* Fixed a typo and improved copyright file.
* Changed control file: changed descriptions and removed unnecesary dependencies.
  These changes fixed bug #324199 (Closes: #324199).
* Added Section field in control file to package python-empy-doc.

1. By Ana Beatriz Guerrero López

Import upstream version 3.3

Branch metadata

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