- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/utopic-updates/drupal7
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 30. By Gunnar Wolf
* New upstream release
* Fixes highly critical security risk CVE-2014-3704; SA-CORE-2014-005
(SQL injection)
* Standards-version 3.9.5 → 3.9.6 (no changes needed) - 29. By Gunnar Wolf
* New upstream release
* Fixes SA-CORE-2014-004 (XML-RPC endpoint vulnerable to an XML entity
expansion attack and other related attacks which can lead to a DoS:
CPU and memory exhaustion, DB resource starvation)
* This is the "Congratulations to Octavio and Claudia" upload. - 27. By Gunnar Wolf
* New upstream release
* Fixes SA-CORE-2014-003 (Denial of service; access bypass; 2×cross-
site scripting) (Closes: #755038)
* Setting urgency as high due to the security issues this release closes.
* Add a build-dependency on yui-compressor and actually build the
minified JS files excluded from the package. (Closes: #750666)
* Added lintian overrides for shipped sources, specific JS version - 26. By Gunnar Wolf
* New upstream release
* Dropped patch "fix_ajax_regression" - incorporated upstream
* Added support for SQLite installs (Closes: #712991) - 25. By Gunnar Wolf
* Remove the (now meaningless) numbering from debian/patches/*
* Fixed a regression caused by the backported 7.27 fix which breaks
IE8 (see https://drupal. org/node/ 2245331# comment- 8699683) - 24. By Gunnar Wolf
* Reverted to the upstream-provided versions of jquery, jquery-cookie,
jquery-form and jquery-ui, as the Debian-packaged versions do not work
with Drupal7 :-(
* Raised urgency to high, as my last upload introduces heavy
breakage. Sorry! :-(
* Reopening bug #699286, as it can not be easily fixed. Upstream does
not want to change their shipped versions, and we don't want to
deviate so far from them. - 23. By Gunnar Wolf
* Corrected the Vcs-Browser field in debian/control
* Rewrote debian/copyright following the DEP5 format, in order to
exclude from the orig.tar.gz all of the minified files from jquery
(Closes: #735769)
* Dropped patch 30_DFSG-sources. patch, as those files are now excluded
and no longer sourceless.
* Added dependencies on libjs-jquery, libjs-jquery-cookie, libjs-
jquery-form, libjs-jquery-ui and build-dependency on libjs-jquery-ui
in order to remove library copies (and sourceless minified
Javascript files) from build (Closes: #699286)
* Fix wrong symlink for /etc/apache2/conf-available/ drupal7. conf
(Closes: #738918) - 22. By Gunnar Wolf
* New upstream release
* Setting urgency as high as this release closes a security issue
(information disclosure) --- https://drupal. org/SA- CORE-2014- 002
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/wily/drupal7