
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

11. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

* Workaround for emacsen-common <2 and debhelper <9.20131104
* Do not byte-compile for emacs22|emacs21|emacs20
* Use dpkg-maintscript-helper to remove obsolete conffile
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.5

10. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

* New patch 40_Add-coding-tag.patch
* Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser

9. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

* Imported Upstream version 2.15.9+0.20120411
  - Switch upstream to the development snapshot, because the upstream
    version 2.14.0 released on 2005-03-25 is too old and hard to maintain.
    The upstream tarball is from Debian wheezy, package wl-beta.
* debian/*: Sync with wl-beta

8. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

* debian/emacsen-startup.in: Set ssl-program-name and ssl-program-arguments
  to use gnutls-cli instead of openssl s_client. (closes: #294658)
* debian/README.Debian.in: Add information to customize gnutls-cli options.
* debian/control: Add gnutls-bin to Suggests.
* debian/patches/20_ssl-cert-info.patch: Use "opsnssl" instead of
  ssl-program-name for ssl-certificate-information.
* debian/patches/10_elmo-intern-soft.patch: Define elmo-intern-soft to fix
  unknown archiver type. Patch from [wl:14407] on 2010-03-02 by Katsuyoshi
* debian/patches/0*.patch: Generated from applied patches.
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format.

7. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

* debian/control:
  - Add `dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info' to Depends.
  - Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends.
  - Set Section to lisp.
  - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
* debian/copyright: Updated.

6. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

* debian/emacsen-*: Rewritten.
  - Don't install utf7.el for Emacs 23.
  - Set wl-auto-save-drafts-interval to nil in the startup file.
* debian/rules, debian/__env.el: Don't use __env.el.
* debian/compat, debian/control: Update debhelper version to 7.
* debian/control:
  - Remove `make' from Depends.
  - Move `Homepage:' from Description to the header.
  - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.1.
* debian/rules: Use dh_prep instead of `dh_clean -k'.
* debian/copyright: Updated.

5. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

debian/rules: Use emacs instead of emacs21.

4. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

elmo/elmo-imap4.el: Fix "IMAP error: No `OK' response from server",
patch from upstream CVS version. (closes: #405284)

3. By Tatsuya Kinoshita

* debian/control: Depends on apel (>= 10.6), flim (>= 1:1.14.6) and
  semi (>= 1.14.6).
* debian/control: Suggests `mu-cite'.
* Sponsored by Fumitoshi UKAI <email address hidden>

2. By Takuo KITAME <email address hidden>

* fix build problem (closes: #134861)
* build-depends: apel

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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