
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

16. By Jo Shields

* Merge from Debian experimental. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
 - Build depend on libappindicator0.1-cil-dev.

15. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

* Merge from Debian experimental. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
 - Build depend on libappindicator0.1-cil-dev.
* Drop missing_AppIndicatorTray.patch, applied upstream.

14. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

* Added support for Ubuntu/Unity's Application Indicator
  (LP: #737838, LP: #518260).
 - Build depend on libappindicator0.1-cil-dev.
 - debian/patches/missing_AppIndicatorTray.patch: Add
   AppIndicatorTray.cs which is missing from the upstream release.

13. By Chow Loong Jin

* Team upload
* Rebuild for CLR 4.0 transition
* [e2b7094] Use debsrc 3.0 (quilt)
* [513f662] Drop deprecated cli.make include
* [9f7b8ee] No change Standards-Version bump from 3.8.4 to 3.9.2
* [60082e4] Fix notify.wav permissions

12. By Jo Shields

No change rebuild against Mono's CLR 4.0 class library

11. By Iain Lane

* The "don't forget to sync your RAID array" release
* New upstream release 0.1.9:
 + Support for Mono >= 2.6
 + Support for enabling groups of backends when building:
   --enable-standard-backends, --enable-experimental-backends and
 + Customizable color highlighting in tasks.
 + Clear "New Task..." text in inputfield on drag and drop, Anirudh Sanjeev
 + Option to change category via context menu, Karsten Stöckmann.
 + Hiveminder improvements, Johnny Jacob.
 + Close task window on ESC keypress, Matt Enright
 + Initial implementation of tooltip for the tray icon, Peter Johanson.
 + Translation updates: cs, da, de, en_GB, eo, es, et, gl, gr, hu, id, it, ja,
   nds, pl, pt, pt_BR, sl, sv, th, zh_CN.
* debian/rules: Convert to DH7
* debian/control, debian/rules, debian/patches/*: Convert patchsys to quilt
* debian/control:
  + Standards-Version 3.8.4, no changes required
  + Migrate to git, update Vcs-* metadata

10. By Iain Lane

* debian/control, debian/rules: Disable evolution integration - evo# is very
  broken. We will bring it back when it gets fixed. (See #559522 and
* debian/watch: Remove "debian uupdate".
* debian/rules, debian/control: Switch to mono-csc compiler per CLI policy
* debian/control:
   + Transition to mono-devel >= 2.4.3 and remove all build-deps on binary
     packages now provided by mono.
   + Update all build-deps to use new -cil-dev packages.
   + Switch to pkg-cli-apps team maintenance.
   + Standards-Version bump to 3.8.3, no changes required.

9. By Mirco Bauer

[ Stefan Ebner ]
* Update GNOME# build-dependecy for GNOME# 2.24 transition.
* Bump Standards version to 3.8.1

[ Mirco Bauer ]
* Updated build-deps for libevolution5.0-cil.

8. By Stefan Lesicnik

* Rebuild libevolution3.0-cil -> libevolution5.0-cil (LP: #332784)
  - This makes tasque work with evolution again (LP: #313683, #319385)

7. By Stefan Ebner

* Rebuild for gnome-sharp2 transition
* debian/control: Change libgnome2.0-cil to libgnome2.24-cil

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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