- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty-updates/sudo
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 67. By Chris J Arges
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/rules:
+ compile with --without-lecture --with-tty-tickets --enable-admin-flag
+ install man/man8/sudo_root. 8 in both flavours
+ install apport hooks
- debian/sudoers:
+ also grant admin group sudo access
- debian/source_ sudo.py, debian/ sudo-ldap. dirs, debian/sudo.dirs:
+ add usr/share/apport/ package- hooks
- debian/sudo.pam:
+ Use pam_env to read /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale
environment files. Reading ~/.pam_environment is not permitted due to
security reasons.
- debian/control:
+ dh-autoreconf dependency fixes missing-build-dependenc y-for-dh_ -command
- Remaining patches:
+ keep_home_by_default. patch: Keep HOME in the default environment
+ actually-use-buildflags: Pass LDFLAGS everywhere
+ add_probe_interfaces_ setting. diff: option to disable network inf probe
* add_probe_interfaces_ setting. diff: fix to not modify NEWS file. - 66. By Chris J Arges
* Enable and refresh: actually-
use-buildflags: Pass LDFLAGS everywhere
* Add the ability to disable network interface probing. This fixes
performance issues with large number of network interfaces (LP: #1272414) - 65. By Chris J Arges
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/rules:
+ compile with --without-lecture --with-tty-tickets --enable-admin-flag
+ install man/man8/sudo_root. 8 in both flavours
+ install apport hooks
- debian/sudoers:
+ also grant admin group sudo access
- debian/source_ sudo.py, debian/ sudo-ldap. dirs, debian/sudo.dirs:
+ add usr/share/apport/ package- hooks
- debian/sudo.pam:
+ Use pam_env to read /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale
environment files. Reading ~/.pam_environment is not permitted due to
security reasons.
- debian/control:
+ dh-autoreconf dependency fixes missing-build-dependenc y-for-dh_ -command
- Remaining patches:
+ keep_home_by_default. patch: Keep HOME in the default environment
+ actually-use-buildflags: Pass LDFLAGS everywhere - 63. By Stéphane Graber
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/rules:
+ compile with --without-lecture --with-tty-tickets --enable-admin-flag
+ install man/man8/sudo_root. 8 in both flavours
+ install apport hooks
- debian/sudoers:
+ also grant admin group sudo access
- debian/source_ sudo.py, debian/ sudo-ldap. dirs, debian/sudo.dirs:
+ add usr/share/apport/ package- hooks
- debian/sudo.pam:
+ Use pam_env to read /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale
environment files. Reading ~/.pam_environment is not permitted due to
security reasons.
- Remaining patches:
+ keep_home_by_default. patch: Keep HOME in the default environment
+ actually-use-buildflags: Pass LDFLAGS everywhere - 62. By Marc Deslauriers
* SECURITY UPDATE: authentication bypass via clock set to epoch
- debian/patches/ CVE-2013- 1775.patch: ignore time stamp file if it is
set to epoch in plugins/sudoers/ check.c.
- CVE-2013-1775 - 61. By Stéphane Graber
The latest sssd upload dropped the soname from libsss_sudo.so, so we
can now drop our sudo delta and just use libsss_sudo.so directly. - 60. By Stéphane Graber
* New upstream release (1.8.6p3).
* Add patch to fix building with sssd when ldap is disabled.
* Drop sudo.manpages and sudo-ldap.manpages as the upstream build system
now does the right thing here.
* Build the main sudo package with support for sssd, this doesn't add any
additional build time or runtime dependency. sudo will dynamically load
the sssd library if 'sss' is listed for the 'sudoers' nss service. - 59. By Tyler Hicks
* Merge from debian/testing (LP: #1024154), remaining changes:
- debian/patches/ keep_home_ by_default. patch:
+ Set HOME in initial_keepenv_ table.
- debian/rules:
+ compile with --without-lecture --with-tty-tickets (Ubuntu specific)
+ install man/man8/sudo_root. 8 in both flavours (Ubuntu specific)
+ install apport hooks
+ The ubuntu-sudo-as- admin-successfu l.patch was taken upstream by
Debian however it requires a --enable-admin-flag configure flag to
actually enable it in both flavours.
- debian/control:
+ Mark Debian Vcs-* as XS-Debian-Vcs-*
+ update debian/control
- debian/sudoers:
+ grant admin group sudo access
- debian/source_ sudo.py, debian/ sudo-ldap. dirs, debian/sudo.dirs:
+ add usr/share/apport/ package- hooks
- debian/sudo.pam:
+ Use pam_env to read /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale
environment files. Reading ~/.pam_environment is not permitted due to
security reasons.
* Dropped changes:
- debian/patches/ lp927828- fix-abort- in-pam- modules- when-timestamp- valid.patch
+ Fixed upstream in 1.8.5
- debian/patches/ CVE-2012- 2337.patch:
+ Fixed upstream in 1.8.4p5
- debian/patches/ pam_env_ merge.patch:
+ Feature released upstream in 1.8.5
- debian/{sudo,sudo- ldap}.{ preinst, postinst, postrm} :
+ Drop Ubuntu-specific sudoers file migration code because the only
upgrade path to quantal is from precise. All necessary sudoers file
migration will have already been done by the time this version of the
sudo package is installed.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/vivid/sudo