
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

7. By Chris Hofstaedtler

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Apply patch for Ruby 1.9 support, drop hardcoding of 1.8 (Closes: #734954)

6. By Felix Geyer

* Non-maintainer upload.
* debian/control: Replace obsolete libgettext-ruby1.8 dependency with
  ruby-gettext. (Closes: #709336)

5. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream version + modifications from trunk:
   - Port to GtkBuilder and replace GConf with a YAML file (Closes: #639437,
   - Handle symlinks in screenruler.rb.
   - Added a help window and internationalization support.
   - Various bug fixes.
* debian/control:
   - Update dependencies.
* debian/screenruler.xpm:
   - Fix typo in Catalan translation and add a German translation.
* debian/watch:
   - Delete it (no point, upstream version numbers are inconsistent).
* screenruler.rb:
   - Hardcode Ruby 1.8.
* Change to source format "3.0 (quilt)" and debhelper compatibility
  version 7, switch from CDBS to dh and bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.

4. By Siegfried Gevatter

The "waiting for a sponsor since a year" release.

* New upstream version + modifications from trunk:
   - Ask GDK for DPI settings, and allow users to override them in
     the configuration dialogue (Closes: #509049) (LP: #309159).
   - All patches except for hardcode-data-path.patch are upstreamed.
* debian/{control,watch,copyright}:
   - Launchpad project name changed from "screen-ruler" to "screenruler"
     (Closes: #550767).
* debian/copyright:
   - Change it to the machine readable format.
* debian/screenruler.xpm:
   - Change it to the new tango-style image.
* debian/{rules,install,links}:
   - Install screenruler.rb into /usr/share/screenruler and symlink it
     from there into /usr/bin.

3. By Siegfried Gevatter

* debian/patches/fix-color-parsing.patch:
   - The colour selection is not correctly saved, and if you change th
     colour screenruler may afterwards fails to start. The problem was
     that the string was being parsed as 8-bit, but it's 16-bit (LP: #273684).
* debian/control:
  - Change the Maintainer filed so that it doesn't contain my nick anymore.

2. By Siegfried Gevatter

* Initial release (Closes: #466691).
* debian/patches/change-icon-path.patch:
   - Patch screenruler.glade so that it looks in /usr/share/pixmaps for
     the application's icon.
* debian/patches/hardcode-data-path.patch:
   - Hardcode the path to /usr/share/screenruler so that the executable
     finds it.

1. By Siegfried Gevatter

Import upstream version 0.85

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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