
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

27. By Scott Kitterman

Patch designer-Qt4Qt5/designer.pro to explicitly link with the Qt4 version
of the qscintilla2 library to fix runtime inability to find qscintilla2
symbols (LP: #1314114)

26. By Scott Kitterman

* Add debian/patches/remove-logo-privacy-issue.diff to remove use of
  http://www.scintilla.org/SciBreak.jpg when the SCintilla docs are
  accessed in order to resolve privacy-breach-logo lintian error
* Add packaging for Qt5
  - Add new binaries: libqt5scintilla2--11, libqt5scintilla2-dev,
    libqt5scintilla2-l10n, and python3-pyqt5.qsci
  - Add qtbase5-dev, python3-pyqt5, and pyqt5-dev to build-depend
  - Add debian/patches/qt5_includes.patch to use correct Qt5 includes for
    the Python bindings
  - Add debian/patches/qt5_libname.patch to change the qscintilla2 library
    name when built with Qt5 so the Qt4 and Qt5 versions are co-installable
  - Update debian/rules to build both Qt4 and Qt5 versions
  - Update package descriptions to make it clear which is for Qt4 and which
    is for Qt5
* Install prf file in libqscintilla2-dev
* Correct symlink for jquery.js in libqscintilla2-doc
* Bump standards version to 3.9.5 without further change

25. By Scott Kitterman

No change rebuild for sip4 API transition

24. By Scott Kitterman

* New upstream release
  - Update library name to libqscintilla2-11 based on upstream soname change
  - Refresh patches

23. By Scott Kitterman

* New upstream release
  - Update library name to libqscintilla2-11 based on upstream soname change

22. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild for python3.4 as a supported python version.

21. By Scott Kitterman

No change rebuild for sip4 update

20. By Scott Kitterman

* New upstream release
  - Update debian/patches/configure.py-objdir-support.diff to account for
    the potential for both PyQt4 and PyQt5 (when packaged) builds
  - Update debian/patches/py_conf_inc_dir.diff for upstream updates to
* Update watch file, thanks to Bart Martens

19. By Scott Kitterman

* Upload to unstable

[ Jakub Wilk ]
* Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.

[ Scott Kitterman ]
* New upstream release
  - Refresh patches
  - Update debian/patches/configure.py-objdir-support.diff for upstream
    Python/configure.py changes
  - Update debian/rules to work with new Qt4/Qt5 dirctory naming and removal
    of Qt3 support
  - Update debian/rules and add debian/patches/py_conf_inc_dir.diff to get
    new configure.py script to work with Python multia-arch header locations
* Drop symbols file for now until it is reliable
* Rename libqscintilla2-translations to libqscintilla2-l10n
  (Closes: #700641)
* Revert bad watch file change

18. By Scott Kitterman

Upload to Unstable (Closes: #681107)

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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