
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

15. By Matthias Klose

* SRU, update python3.4 for trusty. LP: #1433324.
* Backport packaging changes from 1.5.6-1 and build a python-pip-whl package.
* Package build succeeds with python-scripttest 1.2.

14. By Barry Warsaw

* Team upload.
* New upstream release.
* d/patches:
  - system-ca-certificates.patch: Removed. This is obsoleted by the
    vendorizing (and on Debian, de-vendorizing) of the requests library.
  - no-python-specific-scripts.patch: Removed. Upstream renamed pip-X.Y
    to pipX.Y but adopts our pipX name as well. I don't think it hurts
    to also have pipX.Y.
  - de-vendorize.patch: Added, in order to use Debian packages instead
    of vendorized packages.
* d/control:
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 with no other changes needed.
  - Update Depends for the vendorized packages.
* d/python{,3}-pip.pyremove: Remove pip/_vendor directory from binary

13. By Barry Warsaw

* Team upload.
* d/control:
  - Move ca-certificates from Recommends to Depends since
    certificate checks are now turned on by default. Without this,
    default usage of pip will just error with an informative message
    telling you to install ca-certificates anyway. (Closes: #722295)
  - wrap-and-sort
* d/python{,3}-pip.install: wrap-and-sort

12. By Barry Warsaw

* Team upload.
* New upstream release.
  - d/control: Update Standards-Version to 3.9.4 with no additional
    changes required.
  - d/patches/no-python-specific-scripts.patch: Refreshed.
  - d/patches/format_egg_string.patch: Refreshed.
  - d/patches/system-ca-certificates.patch: Refreshed.

11. By Stefano Rivera

[ Stefano Rivera ]
* Team upload.
* New upstream release.
  - pip now performs SSL certificate validation.
    CVE-2013-1629 (Closes: #710163)
* Refresh patches.
* Drop test_urlparse_uses_fragment.patch - superseded upstream.
* Switch debian/watch to use https.
* Updated Homepage.
* Install the upstream changelog (Closes: #710134)
* debian/copyright:
  - Update authors and years.
  - The pip license is Expat.
  - Reformat as valid machine-readable copyright format 1.0.
  - Add pip/cacert.pem.
* debian/patches/system-ca-certificates.patch: Use the CA bundle provided by
* debian/patches/no-python-specific-scripts.patch: Drop pip-X.Y scripts, and
  simply provide pip2 and pip3. (Closes: #679196, #680150)

[ Jakub Wilk ]
* Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.

[ Dmitrijs Ledkovs ]
* Build depend on python3-all, fixes FTBFS against multiple supported
  python3 versions (Closes: #692384).

10. By Carl Chenet

* debian/patches
  - add test_urlparse_uses_fragment.patch (Closes: #677801)

9. By Carl Chenet

* debian/control
  - Use X-Python-Version >= 2.6 (Closes: #676041)
  - Put python-all (>= 2.6) in B-D and Depends field
  - Put python-all-dev (>= 2.6) in python-pip pkg Depends field
* Add pip-2.6 manpage
* debian/python-pip.install
  - add support for multiple 2.x libraries

8. By Carl Chenet

* New upstream version (Closes: #632578,#633610,#653049)
* debian/control
  - Add python3-pip binary package section
  - Add python3 in B-D
  - Add python3-pkg-resources and python3-setuptools in Depends
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3
  - Add X-Python3-Version field
  - add python-dev, python3-dev and build-essential in Recommends
    in order to be able to install C extensions (Closes: #633974)
* Add python-pip.manpages and python3-pip.manpages
* Update the pip.1 manpage
* Add the pip-2.7.1 and pip.3.2.1 manpages
* Add python-pip.links to link to pip exe name only for python2
* debian/patches
  - Modify remove_hardcoded_python_version.patch to generate pip-X.Y binaries
* debian/rules
  - Add with python3 to dh

7. By chaica

* New upstream version
* debian/control
  - Remove python-support from Build-Depends-Indep
  - Bump python to 2.6.6-3
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1
* debian/patches
  - Replaced remove_hardcoded_python_version by
  - Replaced format_egg_string by format_egg_string.patch
* debian/rules
  - Added --with python2 to dh $@
* debian/copyright
  - updated copyright dates and authors

6. By chaica

* New upstream version
* debian/patches/format_egg_string
  - use the same egg string format than Debian python-setuptools
    Closes: #562544
* debian/patches/remove_hardcoded_python_version
  - remove pip-X.X exe and hardcoded Python version in entry_points.txt
* debian/control
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1. No changes needed.
  - added python-setuptools to Build-Depends-Indep
  - switched XS-Python-Version to >= 2.5
* debian/rules
  - removing overrides

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