
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

17. By Adam Conrad

Straight backport to trusty for ppc64el hardware enablement.

16. By Adam Conrad

Straight backport to trusty for ppc64el hardware enablement.

15. By Adam Conrad

* QA Upload.
* New upstream release, with ofpathname and lsslot fixes.
* ofpathname should work on all platforms now (closes: #611588),
  though still doesn't handle appending partition info (#405337)

14. By Adam Conrad

* QA Upload.
* New upstream release (closes: #737112)
* Convert to dh(1) and bump build-dep to debhelper 9.
* Drop obsolete debian/patches.
* Enable build on ppc64el.
* Update ppc64_cpu manpage with new options.
* Add missing build-dep on zlib1g-dev.

13. By Colin Watson

Build on ppc64el.

12. By Jeremy BĂ­cha

debian/control: Build-depend on zlib1g-dev

11. By Aurelien Jarno

* QA upload.
* Set the maintainer to Debian QA Group <email address hidden> and remove
  the uploaders.
* New upstream version:
  - Fixes build with non-bash shells (closes: #612543).
  - Fixes ofpathname (closes: #607001)
  - Add a build-depends on librtas-dev, librtasevent-dev.
* Add a depends on bc for ofpathname (closes: #625728).
* Switch to 3.0 (quilt) format.
* Add build-arch and build-indep targets.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
* Remove Vcs-* entries from debian/control as they are not valid anymore.
* Add ppc64 to the list of architectures.

10. By Colin Watson

releasing version 1.1.0-1ubuntu2

9. By Colin Watson

fix thinko in previous changelog entry

8. By Colin Watson

Run clean target with SHELL=/bin/bash, since quilt patches may not be

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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