
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

9. By Dustin Kirkland 

  - update documentation; pollinate no longer runs daily
* entropy.ubuntu.com.pem: LP: #1304777
  - entropy.ubuntu.com re-keyed SSL certs due to heartbleed OpenSSL

8. By Dustin Kirkland 

* debian/pollinate.default:
  - move the default from POOL to SERVER
  - this way, someone can zero out SERVER, whereas POOL is always additive
* pollinate:
  - save a few forks of hostname
* debian/pollinate.upstart, pollinate: LP: #1286316
  - now that cloud-init itself is calling pollinate, remove the
    "start on starting cloud-init" trigger
  - when running pollinate through cloud-init, we are not guaranteed
    that syslog will be up, and smoser insists on running pollinate --quiet
    thus we will quietly log our pollinate activity in

7. By Dustin Kirkland 

* pollinate:
  - fix exit, when in testing mode

6. By Dustin Kirkland 

* pollinate:
  - relocate the testing string
* pollinate, pollinate.1:
  - when testing, force the out to stdout

5. By Dustin Kirkland 

[ JuanJo Ciarlante and Dustin Kirkland ]
* pollinate, pollinate.1:
  - add a -t|--testing flag, to verify communications with a pollen
    server; useful with the pollen nagios check
  - can run as a non-privileged user
  - does NOT affect the local PRNG

4. By Dustin Kirkland 

* debian/pollinate.default:
  - use curl --capath /dev/null by default, to mitigate SSL CA MitM
    attacks, since we're shipping our own public cert

3. By Dustin Kirkland 

* pollinate, pollinate.1:
  - remove unused variable f2
  - add support for -n|--no-challenge argument
  - this technically makes it possible to use any arbitrary
    URL as an entropy server
    + e.g. random.org, news.google.com
  - document the option in the manpage
* pollinate:
  - move CURL_OPTS to the end of the line, so that the admin can override
    any curl option, such as the user-agent string in /etc/default/pollinate

2. By Dustin Kirkland 

* ChangeLog, check_pollen, COPYING, debian/control, debian/copyright,
  debian/pollen.default, debian/pollen.install,
  debian/pollen.manpages, debian/pollen.postinst,
  debian/pollen.postrm, debian/pollen.upstart, debian/rules,
  img/pollen_14.png, img/pollen_192.png, img/pollen_64.png,
  img/pollinate_14.png, img/pollinate_192.png, img/pollinate_64.png,
  img/pollinate.png, INSTALL, Makefile, pollen.8, pollen.go,
  - split pollinate out into its own project and source package
  - pollinate is a simple shell script, whereas pollen is a compiled
    golang binary; this was proving far too complex to manage together
* debian/pollinate.postinst, debian/pollinate.preinst: LP: #1278770
  - clean up busted/broken conffile, oops

1. By Dustin Kirkland 

Import upstream version 4.0

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