
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

13. By Laszlo Boszormenyi

* New maintainer (closes: #728664).
* Add manual last change date (closes: #674052).
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.5 .

12. By Christoph Berg

* Call 'ed' without a path. Closes: #714423.
* Update copyright for GPL v3. Closes: #664640.

11. By Christoph Berg

* 3.0 (quilt).
* Fix Suggests broken in the last upload.

10. By Riku Voipio

* NMU with maintainer approval
* Set patch as Multi-Arch: foreign to allow use when cross-compiling

9. By Christoph Berg

Use dh_auto_test. Closes: #627196

8. By Christoph Berg

* New upstream version.
  + Improved CR stripping heuristics. Closes: #484539
  + Fixes: creates files and directories instead of asking for the file
    location. Closes: #568248
* Remove lenny compatibility options -U --unified-reject-files and

7. By Christoph Berg

Enable -m short option for --merge as documented in help and manpage.
Closes: #597305.

6. By Christoph Berg

* Update watch file.
* Section: vcs.
* Suggests: diffutils-doc instead of diff-doc, thanks Christoph Anton
  Mitterer for spotting. Closes: #558974.

5. By Christoph Berg

* Convert packaging to quilt.
* Tell lintian that part of the changelog is in a different format.
* Bump Standards-Version.

4. By Christoph Berg

* New maintainer (Closes: #349323).
* Use dpatch, add patches:
  + unified-reject-files: write unified reject files (Closes: #26675).
  + global-reject-file: write a global reject file.
  + manpage-char: fix weird character.
* Suggests: diff-doc.
* Bump Standards-Version.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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