- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/lubuntu-default-settings
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 39. By Julien Lavergne
* etc/xdg/
lxsession/ */desktop. conf
- Add missing im1 and webcam settings.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ openbox/ menu.xml
- Fix audio player calling
- Fix internet icon.
* debian/control:
- Add lubuntu-live-settings to add specific settings to live environment.
* debian/light-locker. desktop
- Disable light-locker on live environment. (LP: #1281323). - 38. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/
lubuntu/ openbox/ *.xml
- Use more lxsession-default call.
* etc/xdg/lubuntu/ menus/lxde- applications. menu
- Add missing Electronics section.
* usr/share/lxpanel/ profile/ */panels/ *
- Switch to system color for the panel, to match artwork work.
* etc/xdg/lubuntu/ applications/ defaults. list
- Add odb extension to default applications. - 37. By Julien Lavergne
* debian/
lubuntu- default- settings. install:
- Re-add missing lubuntu-logout. desktop.
* etc/xdg/lxsession/ */desktop. conf
- Remove nm-applet to avoid dupplicate on startup.
* debian/control:
- Create lubuntu-extra-sessions to isolate experimental sessions.
* debian/lubuntu- default- settings & debian/ lubuntu- extra-sessions
- Move files of the extra sessions.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ openbox/ *.xml
- Use more lxsession-default when it's possible. - 36. By Julien Lavergne
* debian/20-* & debian/*.postrm & debian/*.postinst &
debian/*default- session. install:
- Use lightdm conf files to set default session (LP: #1259525).
* debian/control:
- Make lightdm requirement to >= 1.9.4 for the conf files mechanism.
* debian/rules:
- Correctly use dh_install.
* debian/lubuntu- default- settings. install:
- Remove non-existent files. - 35. By Julien Lavergne
[ Julien Lavergne ]
* etc/xdg/lxsession/ QLubuntu/
- Update with new names of LXQt components.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ pcmanfm- qt/
- Add special configuration for pcmanfm-qt
* usr/share/lubuntu/ qt/Trolltech- qt-session. conf
- Add new configuration for Qt settings of QLubuntu session.
* usr/share/xsession
- Change the name of QLubuntu session file, to match lxsession to launch
(upstart seems to require this).
* etc/xdg/lxsession
- Set disable_autostart= no for all sessions, to keep previous behavior of
autostarted applications.
* debian/control:
- Add policykit-desktop- privileges as a depends with lxsession-logout, to be
sure to install policykit rules.[ Alex Henrie ]
* usr/share/lxpanel/ profile/ Lubuntu/ panels/ panel
- Replace lubuntu-browser. desktop with lxde-x- www-browser. desktop (LP:
#1232578) - 34. By Julien Lavergne
* etc/xdg/
lxsession/ */desktop. conf
- Keep using nm-applet for network applet on the panel. - 33. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/
lxpanel/ Lubuntu
- Enable xkb plugin by default for switching keyboard layout.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ openbox
- Fix transmission menu item (LP: #1193055)
* etc/xdg/lxsession/ QLubuntu/ desktop. conf
- Fix launch of razor-panel
* etc/xdg/lubuntu/ lightdm/ lightdm- gtk-greeter. conf
- Update with new upstream version.
* /usr/share/lubuntu/ openbox/ *rc.xml
- lxsession-default lock instead of xscreensaver (LP: #1204052)
* etc/xdg/lxsession/ */conffiles. conf
- Fix terminal conffiles. - 32. By Julien Lavergne
[ Julien Lavergne ]
* Add a new QLubuntu session, by using only Qt applications
* usr/bin/start*
- Remove gnome-keyring workaround, since we have the proper fix for ssh.
* Use x-www-browser and x-terminal-emulator in more places.
* debian/*
- Update with the new QLubuntu session.
* debian/control:
- Depends on lxsession-logout since it's a separate binary.
* etc/xdg/lxsession :
- Use new lxsession features instead of autostart commands.
- Add conffiles configuration files.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ openbox/ menu.xml & rc.xml
- Use lxsession-default when it's available.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ pcmanfm/ main.lubuntu
- Use lxsession-default for terminal
* usr/share/lubuntu/ pcmanfm/ main.lubuntu & etc/xdg/ lubuntu/ libfm/libfm. conf
- Rebase with new upstream options.
* etc/xdg/lubuntu/ applications/ defaults. list
- Use firefox instead of chromium-browser.
* usr/bin
- Remove startlubuntu* scripts, handle by lxsession (LP: #579524).
* usr/share/applications/
- Use lxlock and lxsession-default for .desktop files.
* usr/share/xsessions/
- Use only lxsession to start the sessions.[ Stéphane Graber ]
* Add lxsession upstart user job. - 31. By Julien Lavergne
* Add a new Lubuntu-Nexus7 session.
* debian/lubuntu- default- settings:
- Exclude nexus7 specific items.
* etc/xdg/lubuntu/ libfm
- Use 16px for pcmanfm sidebar.
* etc/xdg/lubuntu/ menus:
- Exclude xterm and uxterm items from the menu. - 30. By Julien Lavergne
* etc/xdg/
lubuntu/ lxterminal
- Add a custom configuration file for lxterminal.
- Use Ubuntu font in lxterminal.
* usr/bin/startlubuntu*
- Install the lxterminal configuration file.
- Workaround ssh agent not autostarted properly.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ openbox/ rc.xml
- Add shortcuts for windows tiling (SuperKey + the direction).
- Set drawContents to "no" on resize, to reduce the use of resize.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ openbox/ menu.xml
- Use gnome-disks for Disk utility item.
- Remove osmo from the menu, since it's not in the default installation.
Thanks karl anliot for the notice. (LP: #1035780)
* etc/xdg/lubuntu/ menus/lxgames- applications. menu :
- Add a specific menu structure for a games session.
* usr/bin/startlubuntu- lxgames :
- Add a new script to start a games session, with a specific menu structure.
* usr/share/xsessions/ lxgames. desktop :
- Add a new session to start a games session.
* debian/control:
- Add new binaries, to configure default session on lightdm.
- Update VCS fields.
* Reorganize script in debian/ to handle the creation of the new
default-session binaries.
* debian/lubuntu- default- settings. install:
- Keep all files in lubuntu-default- settings.
* usr/share/applications/ lubuntu- browser. desktop:
- Add a .dektop file to be placed on the panel to replace chromium icon.
* usr/share/lxpanel/ profile/ Lubuntu/ panels/ panel:
- Use generic .desktop file to display an icon if another browser than
chromium is available (LP: #938470)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)