
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

12. By Mats Erik Andersson <email address hidden>

* Drop unneeded libcrypt linking:
  + debian/patches/040-refine_config.diff: New file.
* Support GNU/Hurd:
  + debian/patches/044-support_gnu_hurd.diff: New file.
  + debian/control: Mention GNU/Hurd in package description.
* Activate hardening flags. Suggested by Moritz Muehlenhoff.
  + debian/rules: Use 'dpkg-buildflags'. (Closes: #656005)
* Bump Standards to 3.9.3.

11. By Mats Erik Andersson <email address hidden>

* Correct implementation of EPSV for IPv4.
  + debian/patches/020-support_ipv6.diff: Updated file.
* [lintian] Addition of DEP-3 header:
  + debian/patches/030-manpage_typos.diff: Description added.
* debian/control: Spelling of 'kFreeBSD'.
* Bumped Standards to 3.9.1.

10. By Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <email address hidden>

* Fixed minor typos in ftpd.8.
* Renamed patches to avoid future clashes with linux-ftpd-ssl.
* Bumped Standards to 3.9.0

9. By Mats Erik Andersson <email address hidden>

[Mats Erik Andersson]

* debian/control: Expanded description.
* debian/copyright: Added explicit license for the two IPv6-patches.
* Describe effects of recent changes on three inetd-servers.
  + debian/NEWS: Short text addition.
  + debian/README.Debian: Added an extended discussion.
* FTBFS GNU/kfreebsd, GNU/Hurd:
  * debian/patches/26-support_glibc_bsd_and_gnu.diff: New file.
* debian/{postinst,prerm}: Use option '--multi' with 'update-inetd'.

8. By Mats Erik Andersson <email address hidden>

* Migration to format "3.0 (quilt)".
  + Identified source code patches:
  + debian/patches/01-from_hamm.diff
  + debian/patches/02-from_sarge.diff
  + debian/patches/03-from_etch.diff
  + debian/patches/10-ftpd_csrf.diff
* Standard 3.8.4, debhelper compatibility 7:
  + Using dh_prep.
* debian/control:
  + Build depend includes ${misc:Depends} and 'debhelper (>= 7).
  + Source homepage stanza pointing to download site.
* debian/watch: New file.
* debian/postinst: Suppress error message if '/etc/inetd.conf' is missing.
  + Print a hint to the example xinetd configuration, if applicable.
* debian/ftpd.examples:
  + debian/ftpd.xinetd: Configuration for use with xinetd.
* Prepare migration to IPv6 support:
  + debian/rules: Use compiler flag '-fno-strict-aliasing'.
  + debian/patches/14-adjust_infrastruct.diff: New file.
  + debian/patches/16-family_independence.diff: New file.
* Implement active IPv6 support: (Closes: #580251)
  + debian/patches/20-support_ipv6.diff: New file.
  + debian/NEWS: New file.
  + debian/README.Debian: A short explanation is added.
* Uninitialized va_list causes segmentation faults on amd64:
  + debian/patches/24-failing_va_list.diff: New file.
* [lintian] maintainer-script-without-set-e:
  + debian/{preinst,prerm,postinst,postrm} modified.
* [lintian] debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error:
  + debian/rules modified.
* agi: Added Mats Erik Andersson as Uploader.

7. By Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <email address hidden>

* Ian Beckwith:
  - Patch to fix cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.
    CVE-2008-4247 (Closes: #500278)
* Updated package description. (Closes: #493433)

6. By Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <email address hidden>

* Urgency set due to security fix.
* Corrected typo in patch used in previous upload that
  made the server run some commands with EGID 'root'.
  Thanks to Matt Power (for finding out) and
  Stefan Cornelius from Gentoo (for warning me).

5. By Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <email address hidden>

New maintainer.

4. By Robert Millan

* Add -n option to log numeric IPs rather than doing reverse lookup (for
  improved log forensics in the event an attacker has control of their
  reverse DNS.). Thanks Dean Gaudet. (Closes: #258369)
* Fix Build-Depends to avoid relying on virtual package 'libpam-dev'
* Convert changelog to UTF-8.

3. By Robert Millan

* New maintainer. (Closes: #249709)
  - control (Maintainer): Set myself.

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