
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

7. By Jonathan Riddell

Add upstream_fix-package-remove-resolver.diff LP: #1358291
ensure package resolution happens after cache is marked

6. By Harald Sitter

Add upstream_Prevent-crashes-on-source-entries-that-contain-a-lin.patch
from upstream git to resolve a crash when parsing source entries
denoting a comment but not actually containing anything other than hash
LP: #1312043
(this commit is not part of upstream's 2.2.0 tarball and therefore is not
imported as part of the upstream_git patch set)

5. By Harald Sitter

* Import upstream commits 11 to 12
  + This possibly makes the qapt gst helper work with gstreamer 0.10 requets
    by doing a more explicit version match to prevent 1.0 packages from
    being considered as candiates for 0.10 codec requests.

4. By Harald Sitter

* Import upstream commits 07 to 10 (LP: #1298380)
  + These commits include fixes to the qapt-gstreamer installer that port
    it to gstreamer1.0 native API for 14.04
  + Also fixes return values of the gstreamer installer to enable auto
    cache reloading to enable playback without restart
* Adjust dependencies for gstreamer1.0 native port
  - removed: libqtgstreamer-dev
  - added: libgstreamer1.0-dev, libglib2.0-dev,

3. By Harald Sitter

* Import upstream commits since release, resolving bugs in sourcelists
  handling as well as debfile handling.
  + All in sub directory upstream_git/ (git format-patch export)

2. By Jonathan Riddell

* New upstream release
* Rename source to libqapt to match upstream
* Add kubuntu_disable-tests.diff, tests do not currently compile

1. By Jonathan Riddell

Import upstream version 2.1.70

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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