- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty-proposed/libgdal-grass
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 16. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* New upstream release.
* Policy bumped to 3.9.5, no changes.
* Debhelper level set to 9.
* Added standard build-* target in debian/rules.
* Fixed Vcs-* field to canonical one.
* Revised patch rpath to add header. - 15. By Jerome Villeneuve Larouche
[ Jerome Villeneuve Larouche ]
* New upstream release, in sync with new GDAL.[ Francesco Paolo Lovergine ]
* Policy bumped. - 14. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* Introduced a strict build-dep on libgdal1-dev to use the new path
for plugins and avoid problems in building.
The same strict dependency should be present in libgdal1-1.7.0,
but the -1 version never landed in testing so it is pointless.
* Fixed debian/rules to use the new path for plugins. - 13. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* New upstream release.
* Uploaded to unstable.
* Policy bumped to 3.9.1, no changes required.
* Moved to source format 3.0 and quilt.
* Fixed debhelper-but-no- misc-depends lintian warning.
* Added a watch file taken from gdal source package. - 11. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* Now forces regenerating from templates at clean time. That
shall allow binNMUs whenever Grass versions changes.
* Policy bumped to 3.8.4 without changes. - 10. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* New upstream release.
* Added a lintian override due to use of an explicit rpath. It uses a new template. - 9. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* Rebuilt to be in sync with current grass snapshot.
* Modified debian/rules to auto-resync with grass at build time, that should
allow binNMUs when Grass version changes. - 8. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* Now strictly depends on the full grass ABI version. This is useful
because it can change even in release candidates and minor versions.
So, better being defensive to avoid unnoticed breakages.
* Depends on gdal >= 1.6.2 to be nice with backports. - 7. By Francesco Paolo Lovergine
* Now it fails if current gdal-dev is misaligned with source version.
This at least allows failing with FTBS instead of creating invalid
packages when a binNMU is issued while GDAL is transitioning to a new
major version.
(closes: #544978)
* Now depends at least on incoming 1.6.2-1 gdal-dev version that provides
a suitable support patch for the previous trick.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/libgdal-grass