
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

7. By Daniel T Chen

Use autotools-dev for arm64.

6. By Bilal Akhtar

* debian/control:
  - Add myself as maintainer.
  - Add correct Vcs-* URLs.
* debian/patches/mouse-event-support.patch: Backport upstream patch which
  re-adds support for double-click in playback area to toggle fullscreen.
  This feature got removed when the application was updated to use vlc
  1.1.0+ . (LP: #686710)

5. By Bilal Akhtar

Make proper directories up to the place where the apport hook should be
placed, and hence fix FTBFS.

4. By Bilal Akhtar

* Add Apport package hook. (LP: #642050)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1 .
* Remove unnecessary debian-changes-0.1.3-0ubuntu1 patch, which
  accidentally got added in previous upload.

3. By Benjamin Drung

[ Bilal Akhtar ]
* New Upstream release (LP: #606870).
* debian/patches/add-translation-support.patch:
  - This patch enables translation support in the application
    by setting the Gtk::Builder object translation domain to
    that of the application.
* debian/patches/vlc-1.1.0-upgrade.patch:
  - This patch fixes FTBFS in maverick by making GNOME Media Player
    use libvlc 1.1.0, which is the version of VLC in maverick.
* Removed unneeded build-dependency on libgstreamermm-0.10-dev.
* Added build-dependency on libgstreamer0.10-dev and
  libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev .
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.0 (no changes needed).

[ Benjamin Drung ]
* Switch from debhelper 5 to 7.
* Replace cdbs by simple dh rule and drop build-dependency autotools-dev.
* Add build-dependency intltool.
* Remove COPYING and INSTALL from installation.

2. By Bilal Akhtar

Initial release (LP: #551702)

1. By Bilal Akhtar

Import upstream version 0.1.2

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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