
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

75. By Iain Lane

0001-Bug-73291-poppler-does-not-show-fl-ligature.patch: Don't alias TeX
Gyre Termes to Times as it has a broken 'fi' ligature. (LP: #1325230)

74. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/rules:
  - don't add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts to the fonts path, that's a
    deprecated location and it leads to polling on the directory,
    which means wakeups and extra power usage (lp: #1266873)

73. By Matthias Klose

Build using dh-autoreconf.

72. By Benjamin Drung

Update font dependencies (ttf-dejavu-core -> fonts-dejavu-core and
ttf-freefont -> fonts-freefont-ttf).

71. By Sebastien Bacher

New upstream version

70. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version
* Refresh debian patches
* git_obtain_fonts_via_FT-face.patch:
  - dropped, included in the new version

69. By Sebastien Bacher

debian/patches/series: list the patch from the previous revision...
(lp: #1177995)

68. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version
* Refreshed patches
* debian/patches/git_obtain_fonts_via_FT-face.patch
  - cherrypick patch from git to fix webfonts (LP: #1177995) (Thanks Tim)

67. By Matthias Klose

Remove versioned build dependency on binutils.

66. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - includes the typo fixes for lp: #1037509

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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