
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty-proposed/eclipse-mylyn
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

11. By Jakub Adam

* New upstream release.
* Refreshed d/patches/debian-orbit-deps.patch.
* Build-Depends on libguava-java.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5.

10. By Jakub Adam

* Support Bugzilla authenticated solely via HTTP.
* Fixed d/watch to support multiple digits in version number components.
* Refreshed d/patches/debian-orbit-deps.patch.
* Removed d/patches/rebuild-prepare-install-profile-job-3-6.patch
  - support for Eclipse 3.5 removed upstream.

9. By Jakub Adam

* New upstream release.
* Refreshed d/patches/debian-orbit-deps.patch.

8. By Jakub Adam

* New upstream release.
* Refreshed d/patches/debian-orbit-deps.patch.
* Increased javac source and target compatibility to 1.6.
* Added libcommons-io-java to Build-Depends.

7. By Emmanuel Bourg

[ Emmanuel Bourg ]
* Team upload.
* Removed the build dependency on the libjaxme-java package
  (JAXB is now provided by the JRE)
* Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields

[ Niels Thykier ]
* Remove myself from uploaders.

6. By Jakub Adam

* New upstream release.
* Refreshed d/patches/debian-orbit-deps.patch.

5. By Jakub Adam

* Don't build eclipse-mylyn-versions-git binary package. This avoids
  circular build dependency between eclipse-mylyn and eclipse-egit.
  Package eclipse-mylyn-versions-git alone doesn't provide any end
  user functionality and currently there aren't any packages
  depending on it (Closes: #689452).
* Simplified rebuild-prepare-install-profile-job-3-6.patch to work
  around dpkg bug #683547 (Closes: #689527).

4. By Jakub Adam

* New upstream release.
* Refreshed d/patches/debian-orbit-deps.patch.

3. By Jakub Adam

* New upstream release.
* Removed no longer required eclipse-mylyn.lintian-overrides.

2. By Jakub Adam

Initial release (Closes: #581422).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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