
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

13. By Graham Inggs

* Fix undefined sprintf() usage.
* Fix typo in d/patches/50-format-security-fix.patch.
* Various fixes for kfreebsd: dxexec now runs.
* Build with prefix=/usr/share instead of prefix=/usr/lib.

12. By Paul Gevers

[ Graham Inggs ]
* Update d/libdx4.symbols for kfreebsd.
* Allow /usr/bin/dx script to run on kfreebsd.
* Link executables and shared libraries with --as-needed.
* Fix some Lintian warnings:
  - Update d/dx.desktop: remove encoding, add keywords
  - Override another spelling error in binary
  - Downgrade libdx4-dev's Conflicts on dx-dev to Breaks

[ Paul Gevers ]
* Fix typo in suggested package list: llibglu-dev
* Install lintian overrides

11. By Graham Inggs

[Graham Inggs]
* New maintainer (Closes: #654646)
* Update d/control:
  - build with libmotif-dev instead of lesstif2-dev (Closes: #714834)
  - build with unversioned libtiff-dev (Ubuntu)
  - build with unversioned libpng-dev (Closes: #662308)
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no further changes)
* Fix missing () in DXGetError (Closes: #688395)
* Do not build with libxp even if it is installed (Closes: #623644)
* Install /usr/lib/*.so symlinks in libdx4-dev package
* Create d/libdx4.symbols
* Fix FTBFS twice in a row.
* Create d/watch.
* Build with hardening flags enabled and fix format security.
* Fix underlinking of libDXL by explicitly linking libDX.
* Fix various spelling and hyphen-used-as-minus-sign errors.

[Jari Aaalto]
* Remove deprecated dpatch and upgrade to source format 3.0 (quilt)
  (Closes: #670318)
* Update to Standards-Version to 3.9.3 and debhelper to 9.
* Add build-arch and build-indep targets; use dh_prep in rules file.
* Patches 64bit,gcc43, kfreebsd, usr-local were updated with "quilt
  refresh" to make them apply cleanly.

10. By Daniel Kobras <email address hidden>

debian/control: Change build dependency from libjpeg62-dev to
libjpeg-dev. Closes: #633729

9. By Luk Claes

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Don't ship .la files (Closes: #621204).

8. By Mehdi

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Remove alternative libglu1-xorg-dev from build-dependencies
  (Closes: #628439)

7. By Daniel Kobras <email address hidden>

* Added patches:
  + [10_autoreconf_fix]
    In configure.ac, check for C++ compiler before setting language to
    C++. This fix avoids a circular dependency error when running
    aclocal or autoreconf.
  + [10_open_mode]
    Supply mode flags as required when calling open() with O_CREAT.
    Patch thanks to James Westby via Ubuntu.
  + [10_magickcore_api]
    Fix build errors due to an API change in ImageMagick versions
    6.5.7 and up. Patch thanks to Ilya Barygin <email address hidden>.
  + [20_magick_pkgconfig]
    Try to make use of pkg-config when probing for ImageMagick. Also
    adds support for building with GraphicsMagick instead. This and the
    preceding patch resolves build problems with current ImageMagick
    and thus Closes: #572270
  + [30_no_shell_override]
    Overriding SHELL in configure.ac breaks autoconf/libtool assumptions
    and leads to build failures when /bin/sh points to /bin/dash. Remove
    the override as it doesn't seem to serve any useful purpose on Debian
  + [40_hdfalt_support]
    Add support for linking with Debian-specific libhdf4-alt that avoids
    namespace issues when using both hdf4 and netcdf.
* Updated patches:
  + [10_kfreebsd_build_fixes]
    Correct preprocessor syntax to fix build on kfreebsd. Patch thanks to
    Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>. Closes: #565347
* debian/control: Update hdf4 build and -dev dependencies to new package
  names, using libhdf4-alt-dev for official builds. Closes: #540402
* debian/control: Package complies with version 3.8.4 of Debian policy.
* debian/control: Build-depend on automake, autoconf, and libtool to
  allow re-generating the configure script during build.
* debian/control: Update build-dependencies and dependencies of the -dev
  package for current ImageMagick package names.
* debian/control: Add debhelper substitution variable misc:Depends to
  all dependency lines to placate lintian.
* debian/rules: Run autoreconf during package build to activate changes
  to configure.ac. Remove symlinks created by autoreconf when cleaning

6. By Daniel Kobras <email address hidden>

* debian/control: Rename obsolete dependencies on x-dev and netcdfg-dev
  to current x11proto-core-dev and libnetcdf-dev. Closes: #515342
* debian/control: Add Homepage field. Closes: #467310
* debian/README.source: Short explanation of dpatch usage in dx packaging.
* debian/dx-doc.doc-base: Move section to Science/Data Analysis.
* debian/compat, debian/control: Bump debhelper compatibility level from
  4 to 5.
* debian/control: Package complies with version 3.8.1 of Debian policy.

5. By Daniel Kobras <email address hidden>

* New upstream version. Closes: #412806
* Added patches:
  + [10_gcc43_build_fix]
    First argument to main() must be signed int with gcc 4.3.
    Closes: #455385
  + [10_kfreebsd_build_fixes]
    Several macro tweaks to allow building with kfreebsd. Patch thanks to
    Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>. Closes: #413999
* Updated patches:
  + [90_usr_local_cleanup]
    Do not try to patch auto-generated files. Fixes subsequent build from
    the same sources. Closes: #442551
* Removed patches:
  + [10_invert3_aliasing_fix]
    Merged upstream.
* debian/control (libdx4): Typo fix in package description. Thanks to
  Yuri Kotelnikov.
* debian/control: Remove obsolete alternative (build-)dependencies on
  xlibs-dev as transition has been completed ages ago now.
* debian/control: Lose outdated substitution variable Source-Version in
  favour of current binary:Version.
* debian/control: Package complies with version 3.7.3 of Debian policy.
* debian/dx-doc.doc-base: Remove extra whitespace in empty line to
  placate lintian.
* debian/menu: Move to new section Applications/Science/Data Analysis.
* debian/rules: Do not unconditionally ignore all errors from make
* debian/rules: Use $(CURDIR) instead of `pwd` to avoid build problems
  in some chroots.
* debian/rules: Give in to the amount of problem areas, finally, and
  disable strict aliasing.
* debian/rules: Work around kfreebsd being detected as 'unknown'
  architecture. Based on patches by Cyril Brulebois
  <email address hidden>.

4. By Daniel Kobras <email address hidden>

* Added patches:
  + [10_invert3_aliasing_fix] New.
    Fix violation of strict aliasing rules that caused incorrect bounding
    boxes when data passed through the Collect module. Closes: #350524

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