
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

18. By Colin Watson

dput.cf: Drop trailing "/ubuntu" from ppa stanza, to support the new
form of the upload path needed for PPAs based on derived distributions.
Also switch ubuntu stanza to upload to "/ubuntu" rather than "/"
(LP: #1340130).

17. By Logan Rosen

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Added suggests on python-bzrlib (as we use the
  - debian/rules: Updated to install sftp.py.
  - dput:
    + Recognize 0ubuntu1 as a debian version that requires
      orig.tar.gz to be included in the upload.
    + Correctly handle cases where a non-existant host or no host at all is
      supplied when -o option is passed. (Thanks to David Futcher for
    + Be more careful about setting a variable in a section that does not
      exist in host argument handling.
  - dput.1: Updated to document host argument feature and sftp support.
  - dput.cf:
    + Set 'default_main_host = ubuntu'
    + Set 'progress_indicator = 2'
    + Updated ppa stanza to make use of argument support.
  - dput.cf.5: Updated to note support for sftp transport and host args.
  - http.py: Don't incorrectly assume that HTTPResponse.reason is an
    integer when generating an error message.
  - sftp.py: Support for uploads via sftp transport with a progress

16. By Logan Rosen

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Added suggests on python-bzrlib (as we use the
  - debian/rules: Updated to install sftp.py.
  - dput:
    + Recognize 0ubuntu1 as a debian version that requires
      orig.tar.gz to be included in the upload.
    + Correctly handle cases where a non-existant host or no host at all is
      supplied when -o option is passed. (Thanks to David Futcher for
    + Be more careful about setting a variable in a section that does not
      exist in host argument handling.
  - dput.1: Updated to document host argument feature and sftp support.
  - dput.cf:
    + Set 'default_main_host = ubuntu'
    + Set 'progress_indicator = 2'
    + Updated ppa stanza to make use of argument support.
  - dput.cf.5: Updated to note support for sftp transport and host args.
  - http.py: Don't incorrectly assume that HTTPResponse.reason is an
    integer when generating an error message.
  - sftp.py: Support for uploads via sftp transport with a progress

15. By Logan Rosen

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Added suggests on python-bzrlib (as we use the
  - debian/rules: Updated to install sftp.py.
  - dput:
    + Recognize 0ubuntu1 as a debian version that requires
      orig.tar.gz to be included in the upload.
    + Correctly handle cases where a non-existant host or no host at all is
      supplied when -o option is passed. (Thanks to David Futcher for
    + Be more careful about setting a variable in a section that does not
      exist in host argument handling.
  - dput.1: Updated to document host argument feature and sftp support.
  - dput.cf:
    + Set 'default_main_host = ubuntu'
    + Set 'progress_indicator = 2'
    + Updated ppa stanza to make use of argument support.
  - dput.cf.5: Updated to note support for sftp transport and host args.
  - http.py: Don't incorrectly assume that HTTPResponse.reason is an
    integer when generating an error message.
  - sftp.py: Support for uploads via sftp transport with a progress

14. By Alberto Á. Fuentes <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Discourage people to upload packages to the wrong archive (Closes: #561678)
* Deleted obsolete comment about gluck (Closes: #674585)
* Use case and example about dcut added to man page. Thanks
  Hideki Yamane <email address hidden> (Closes: #688871)

13. By Y Giridhar Appaji Nag

* volatile archive has been discontinued (Closes: #661374)
* Change Vcs-Browser to anonscm.d.o from git.d.o
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes required)

12. By Y Giridhar Appaji Nag

[ Gerfried Fuchs ]
* Remove .org from the backports target name.

[ Y Giridhar Appaji Nag ]
* Change the default backports configuration (Closes: #595726)
* Clarify the -m option in dcut.1 (Closes: #608634)
* Don't suggest yaclc, it is no longer in the archive
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.1 (no changes required)

11. By Y Giridhar Appaji Nag

* Use hashlib instead of md5/sha modules for Python 2.6 (Closes: #517831)
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.0 (no changes required)

10. By Y Giridhar Appaji Nag

* Correct bash completion for --delayed
* Use %s to print HTTP response reason string (not a number)
* Compute md5sums to fix lintian I: no-md5sums-control-file, thanks
  Loïc Minier <email address hidden> (Closes: #564783)
* Mark self.closed = 1 to prevent messing up of display with setting
  progress_indicator=2, thanks Kan-Ru Chen <email address hidden> for
  the patch (Closes: #488316)
* Add allow_cut = 1 to security-master-* (Closes: #574506)
* Fix handling of version for multi-digit epochs (Closes: #577825)
* Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes required)
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (native) format
* Don't warn about a DELAYED/0-day upload, just print (Closes: #553198)

9. By Y Giridhar Appaji Nag

* Fix lintian (pedantic) warnings and info messages
  + I: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign in dcut(1)
  + P: maintainer-script-without-set-e
  + P: copyright-refers-to-symlink-license
* set method = ftp as applicable in default dput.cf (Closes: #544360)
* Initialize options['changes'] in dcut, include the changes file itself
  when using dcut -i. Thanks gregor herrmann <email address hidden> for the
  report and fix (Closes: #544440)

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