- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy-proposed/uwsgi
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 20. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* Remove hardcoded phpapi-20100525 dependency. (Closes: #715472)
* Build uwsgi-plugin-v8 and build depend on libv8-dev only on
amd64 armel armhf i386 architectures. (Closes: #715473)
* Remove apache2 and apache2-api-20120211 dependencies for
libapache2-mod-proxy- uwsgi, libapache2- mod-uwsgi and
libapache2-mod-ruwsgi. (Closes: #715485)
* Add ${uwsgi:apache2: Depends} substvar to reference Apache2 API version.
* Add ${uwsgi:php:Depends} substvar to reference PHP API version.
* Add libphp5-embed as a dependency for uwsgi-plugin-php. - 19. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* debian/
uwsgi-core. install.
- Include alarm_speech, coroae and pem plugins into the uwsgi-core
package. - 18. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* New upstream release.
* Update dependencies to build with Apache 2.4. (Closes: #709468)
- Remove apache2-threaded- dev.
- Add apache2-dev (>> 2.4~).
- Depend lbapache2-mod-proxy- uwsgi, ibapache2-mod-uwsgi and
libapache2-mod-ruwsgi on apache2- api-20120211.
* Update postinst and prerm scripts to use apache2-maintscript- helper.
* Add debian/patches/ emperor- pg-fix- cflags. patch.
- Remove -Wformat-security flag to fix build error
* debian/uwsgi-core. docs:
- Remove uwsgi_API.txt. - 17. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* Add debian/
patches/ nagios- plugin- fix.patch
- Fix the bug with nagios plugin failing to load due to missing
struct object. (Closes: #715155)
* Patch Python plugin to remove assignments to environment variable
LD_RUN_PATH which leads to setting RPATH in compiled binary/shared library:
python-plugin_ remove_ assignments_ to_LD_RUN_ PATH.patch.
* Depend libapache2-mod-uwsgi and libapache2- mod-ruwsgi on
apache2-api-20120211. (Closes: #709468) - 16. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* debian/
patches/ remove- pg_config_ cflags- in-probepg. patch
- Remove pg_config --cflags from probepg build. (Closes: #687084)
* Apply upstream patches:
- fixed-magic_table-usage- in-http- and-fastrouter- plugins. patch
Fixed magic_table usage in http and fastrouter plugins.
- security-check-in- the-http- router. patch
Added a security check in the http router.
- threading-issue-with- uwsgi-send. patch
Fixed a threading issue with uwsgi.send().
- fixed-ruby-rvm-support. patch
Fixed Ruby RVM support.
- fixed-spooler-with-chdir. patch
Fixed spooler with chdir.
- fixed-async+threading. patch
Fixed async+threading in python plugin.
- skip-headers-sending- when-no- headers- are-defined. patch
Skip headers sending when no headers are defined.
- fixed-logfile-inheritance. patch
Fixed logfile inheritance.
- fixed-waitpid-usage-in- cheap-cheaper- lazy-modes. patch
Fixed waitpid usage in cheap/cheaper/lazy modes.
- fixed-casting-in-wsgi- input.patch
Fixed casting in uwsgi.input.
- fixed-casting-in-wsgi- input-web3- pump-part. patch
More fixes on casting in uwsgi.input.
- fixed-env-clear-in- plain-async- mode.patch
Fixed env clear in plain async mode.
- allows-ugreen- with-threads. patch
Allows ugreen with threads.
- fix-mod_uwsgi-authentic ated-but- authentication- typeless- requests. patch
Fix mod_uwsgi authenticated, but authentication typeless requests.
- fixed-fastcgi-support- for-response- bigger- than-64k. patch
Fixed fastcgi support for response bigger than 64k.
- disable-SIGSTOP- SIGTSTP- in-gateways. patch
Disable SIGSTOP/SIGTSTP in gateways.
- fixed-idle-mode.patch
Fixed idle mode. - 15. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* debian/
patches/ fix-reload- process- name.patch:
- Preserve process name on reload.
* Add `name` option from start-stop-daemon as the issue with
master process name changing on reload is fixed by patching the source. - 14. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
Remove `name` option from start-stop-daemon as master process is
changing its name on reloads. Thanks Andreas Motl for the patch. - 13. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* Remove uwsgi-plugin-luajit binary package. (Closes: #680132)
- Remove libluajit-5.1-dev from Build-Depends.
- Remove uwsgi-plugin-luajit from dependencies for
uwsgi-app-integration -plugins.
- Remove all occurrences of luajit plugin in debian/rules.
* Include upstream patch to fix a memory leak in python uwsgi.workers(). - 12. By Janos Guljas <email address hidden>
* New upstream release.
* debian/uwsgi.init.d
- Remove spurious no-op command in init script, thanks to
Jean-Baptiste Quenot.
* Use dh_python3 for python3-uwsgidecorators . (Closes: #672193)
* debian/rules
- Include Hardening options in CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/uwsgi