
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

16. By Mathieu Parent

[ David Prévot ]
* Depends on php5-json
* Use << instead of deprecated <

[ Mathieu Parent ]
* Fix FTBFS with non-existent and non-creatable $HOME (Closes: #713949)
* Fix testsuite for 'Use << instead of deprecated <'

15. By Mathieu Parent

* Set env NO_INTERATION=1 before 'make test'
* Remove /usr/share/php/.registry/.channel.pecl.php.net only if empty
  (needed for PECL packages coming from pecl.php.net)
* Composer support (Closes: #711484)
  - Enhance phppkginfo with composer_* commands (simple commands)
  - Enhance phppkginfo with composer_substvars command translating package
    links to Debian dependencies
  - dh_phpcomposer: Fill substvars (name, description, and dependencies)
  - test for dh_phpcomposer
  - Build-depend on php5-json | php5-cli (<< 5.5.0~rc1+dfsg-1) as json has
    been moved to an external extension
* phppkginfo: remove mhash and json from builtin extensions (json is
  removed since php5 5.5.0~rc1+dfsg-1, mhash is "provided")

14. By Mathieu Parent

* Back to unstable
* gbp: ignore-branch = True (to allow multiple branches)
* Remove .gitignore: build is done in ../build-area
* phppkginfo: Avoid PHP error when file has no attrib
* Add testsuite for phppkginfo (PEAR package, PECL package, PEAR channel)
* Add testsuite for dh_phppear (PEAR package, PECL package, PEAR channel)
* Add testsuite for Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::phppear (PEAR package)
* Add php5-cli and php-pear to buildeps for the testsuite

13. By Mathieu Parent

revert "Skip dh_phppear if no package.xml, package2.xml or channel.xml"

12. By Mathieu Parent

* Improvements to phppkginfo:
  - package_type
* Skip dh_phppear if no package.xml, package2.xml or channel.xml
* Use canonical URI in Vcs-* fields (Closes: #708567)
* Don't advise substvars in Source section of control file (Closes: #709519)
* Document version requirements
* Use package2.xml when present
* Fail on unsupported package type

11. By Mathieu Parent

* PEAR channels support (Closes: #656960)
  - detect channel.xml file
  - carefully install only channel files
  - more substvars
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no change).
* Documentation updates and improvements

10. By Mathieu Parent

* Compare to builtin extensions case-incensitively and don't "generate broken
  dependency on php5-spl" (Closes: #696743)
* internal changes:
  - rename _pear("install", ...) to _pear_install(...)

9. By Mathieu Parent

* Upload to unstable, as needed by php-horde-mail (Closes: #697499),
  php-horde-test (Closes: #697498) and maybe more
* More documentation
* Move package.xml modifications to configure step. this allows wild things
  to happen between configure and install (like removing references to files)

8. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

* Updated Vcs fields to use the pkg-php repo on Alioth.
* Added myself as uploader.
* Patched lib/scripts/phppkginfo to not have warnings in case there's no
upstream changelog in the package.xml.
* Added a debian/gbp.conf.
* Bumped Standards-Version: to 3.9.3 (no change).

7. By Mathieu Parent

Fix prune of /usr/share/doc subdirectories when it doesn't exists

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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