- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy-proposed/mupen64plus-rsp-hle
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 9. By Sven Eckelmann
* New Upstream Version
* Upload to unstable
* debian/control:
- Build-Depend on debhelper 9.20130604 for support of parameters when
detecting targets in dh_auto_*
* debian/rules:
- Work around new debhelper 9.20130624 dh_auto_{clean, test} behavior
which is causing a FTBFS by adding an explicit
override_dh_auto_ {clean, test} rule
* debian/watch:
- Verify new upstream versions using GPG key 954F81B094AA5BB226F5 - 8. By Sven Eckelmann
* debian/patches:
- Add gcc_lto.patch, Enable support for link-time optimization - 7. By Sven Eckelmann
[ Simon Ruderich ]
* Let debhelper set the buildflags implicitly[ Sven Eckelmann ]
* debian/patches:
- Add pokemon_stadium_ sound.patch, Fix sound in pokemon stadium
- Add zelda_graphics_glitches. patch, Fix graphics glitches in Zelda OOT - 6. By Sven Eckelmann
* New Upstream Version
* Update debian/copyright
* Enable all hardening flags in debian/rules
* Upgraded to policy 3.9.3, no changes required
* Upgrade debhelper compat to v9
* Use buildflags.mk to set security flags in debian/rules - 5. By Sven Eckelmann
* debian/control:
- Add virtual package libsdl-dev as alternative build dependency
* Don't mix implicit and explicit rules to prevent FTBFS with make
* Remove hardening-includes which are now integrated in dpkg-
* Use debian packaging manual URL as format identifier in
debian/copyright - 4. By Sven Eckelmann
* Upload to unstable
* debian/rules:
- Mark all targets as phony
- Force PIC using Makefile option
- Remove unintended optimization flags
* debian/patches:
- Remove obsolete default-optimisations. patch, hurd_os.patch
- Add rewrite_makefile. patch, Rewrite Makefile to fix flags and linking
- Add big_endian_conflict. patch, Don't use _BIG_ENDIAN to check for
- Add endianness_xor.patch, Add parentheses around arithmetic in operand
of ‘^’ related to endian conversation - 3. By Sven Eckelmann
* Upgraded to policy 3.9.2, no changes required
* Update Vcs-* fields to new anonscm.debian.org URLs in debian/control
* Add multiarch support - 2. By Sven Eckelmann
* New Upstream Version
* Updated my maintainer e-mail address
* Split source package to match upstreams modular release packages
* debian/copyright:
- Update to DEP5 revision 164
- Update copyright years
* debian/patches:
- Add hurd_os.patch, Add GNU/Hurd as operating system with "linux" userland
- Rebase default-optimisations. patch against 1.99.4
- Remove upstream merged patches: as-needed.patch,
correct_fpr32_mapping. patch, correct_ security_ printf. patch,
debian-archs.patch, dejavu-font.patch, destdir.patch,
dont-install- unneeded. patch, fix-7z- subfolder. patch,
fix-desktop- file.patch, fix_r0_ override. patch, fix_readpng.patch,
ftbfs-debugger. patch, ftbfs-dynarec. patch, ftbfs-glibc210. patch,
ftbfs-gvariant- type-conflicts. patch, ftbfs-kfreebsd. patch,
glide64_hurd.patch, glide64- noasm.patch, gtk-open- filter. patch,
interpreter_x86_fldcw. patch, jttl_fix_ romclosed. patch, link_gdk.patch,
load_aidacrate. patch, load_vistatus. patch, noexecstack.patch,
optional_signinfo. patch, osd-pause- crash.patch, path_max.patch,
pie_support. patch, plugin- searchpath. patch, remove-gln64.patch,
remove-nondfsg- icons.patch, resume_ on_start. patch, rice-ati- symbols. patch,
rice-crash-vendorstr ing.patch, rice_fog.patch, rice_nodebug.patch,
rice-screenflickerin g.patch, rice-texturepac k-crash. patch,
rsp_hle_bigendian. patch, rsp_ucode2_ reset.patch,
static-binutils- libs.patch, system- libbz2. patch, system- liblzma. patch,
system-libpng. patch, system-zlib.patch, version- string. patch,
xdg-basedir. patch
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/mupen64plus-rsp-hle