
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy-proposed/kde-workspace
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

107. By Philip Muškovac

* New upstream bugfix release (LP: #1266285)
  - refresh kubuntu_kdewallpapers_install.diff

106. By Philip Muškovac

* New upstream bugfix release (LP: #1247235)
* Refresh place_global_config_in_etc.diff

105. By Jonathan Riddell

[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* New upstream bugfix release
* Remove upstreamed patches upstream_sal_reload_menu_on_config_change.diff,

[ Rohan Garg ]
* Bump ABI version on libkwinglutils and libkwinactiveglutils
* Update symbols

104. By Harald Sitter

Add kubuntu_avoid_zic_and_deep_copy_timezone_data.diff
It does not use zic when available as zic is broken. Also adds symlink
handling, when a tz file is a symlink, it gets the link target and
copies that instead. This prevents broken symlinks. (LP: #1206199)

103. By Harald Sitter

* Replace kubuntu_sal_reload_config.diff (not applied actually) with
  upstream_sal_reload_menu_on_config_change.diff and add
  upstream_sal_restore_favourites_model_on_config_change.diff (LP: #1195255)
* Demote plasma-scriptengines from recommends to suggests of
  plasma-scriptengines (delta was dropped by accident).

102. By Jonathan Riddell

kde-workspace depends on kde-window-manager | kde-window-manager-active

101. By Jonathan Riddell

Add kubuntu_app_icon.diff from upstream, fix
https://bugs.kde.org/324574 Application specific icon now doesn't

100. By Jonathan Riddell

[ Howard Chan ]
* New upstream bugfix release.

[ Rohan Garg ]
* Drop kubuntu_plasma_desktop_startup.diff, applied upstream
* libtaskmanager4abi4 -> libtaskmanager4abi5
* Update symbols

[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Add kubuntu_sal_reload_config.diff from upstream
  reload menu entries on config changed

99. By Jonathan Riddell

[ Howard Chan ]
* New upstream release
* Remove libkwinnvidiahack4 and libkwinactivenvidiahack4
  packages since it's removed in upstream
* Add new files into plasma-desktop.install
* Update libkwineffects1abi4.symbols

[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* New upstream release

98. By Jonathan Riddell

* Add kubuntu_plasma_desktop_startup.diff
  revert commit 83d301880e78a3aa43e0aedd8f40abb2a506f1ff
  fixes https://bugs.kde.org/321695 plasma statup delay
* kde-workspace-dev now depends on libx11-xcb-dev due to changes in kwin

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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