
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

17. By Nicholas Breen <email address hidden>

* New upstream release; post-freeze, uploading to unstable.
* rules, control: Remove special provisions for FORTRAN on Alpha.
* rules: Update configuration parameters.
* rules, patches/12_copyright-file.patch: Avoid duplication of copyright
  information into two files, but provide a link to keep both filenames.
* control: Drop obsolete B-D on lesstif2-dev. (Closes: #714753)
* rules: Move .so symlinks for MPI libraries from -dev to their respective
  packages, to ensure that they can't be installed without their targets.
* control: Update SCM links.

16. By Nicholas Breen <email address hidden>

[ Andreas Tille ]
* debian/upstream:
   - copied citations from tasks/bio to debian/upstream
   - make last citation conform to BibTeX syntax

[ Nicholas Breen ]
* Update to current release-4.5-patches git (f361fa9c) via addition of
* source/format: Move to 3.0 (quilt). Adjust patches accordingly.
* control: Remove specific listing of MPI packages from description of
  gromacs-dev. (Closes: #644820) Update maintainer address and drop
  DMUA stanza. Drop Build-Depends on dpatch, add on hardening-wrapper.
  Update to S-V 3.9.3, no packaging changes required.
* rules, README.source: Remove dpatch cruft.
* rules: Apply compiler hardening flags with hardening-wrapper.
* patches/*: Tidy up with DEP-3 headers.
* control, rules: Update list of architectures for gromacs-openmpi,
  adding armel, armhf, powerpcspe, and sparc64.

15. By Nicholas Breen

* New upstream release.
  - Remove patches/30_git_release-4.5-patches.dpatch.
  - man/g_dos.1: Create man page for new binary.
* rules: Add build-arch/build-indep targets. Add preliminary support for
  building GPU-accelerated binaries: set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=gpu to try it.
* patches/31_manpages.dpatch: Update.

14. By Nicholas Breen

* control: remove obsolete Build-Depends and Suggests on libice-dev,
  libsm-dev, libxext-dev, libxp-dev, libxt-dev. Update Standards-Version
  to 3.9.2.
* patches/30_git_release-4.5-patches.dpatch: Routine update from upstream
  git, to commit 873563ef of 22 April 2011.
* patches/31_manpages.dpatch: Various minor spelling and header fixes.
* lintian-overrides.gromacs: Remove checks no longer needed, per #120323.
* rules: Switch to using dh_lintian.

13. By Nicholas Breen

* New upstream release.
* Remove gromacs-lam transitional package.
* man/g_options.1: Create man page for new binary.
* lintian-overrides.gromacs-data: Override script-not-executable for demo
  scripts not in $PATH.

12. By Nicholas Breen

* New upstream release.
* Force -DGMX_X11=ON to build ngmx. (Closes: #603327)

11. By Nicholas Breen

* Major new upstream release.
* All patches incorporated upstream and removed, except the Debian-
  specific bug reporting portion of 11_readme.dpatch.
* man/gromacs.7: incorporated upstream, removed from Debian patch.
* man/luck.1: Rename to g_luck.1 and edit to reflect new name.
* man/mdrun_mpi.*.1: Resynchronize with upstream mdrun.1.
* watch: Update to recognize -betaX tarballs and ignore -GPU builds.
* rules: Convert from autotools to new CMake build system.
* control:
  - Add Build-Depends on libxml2-dev.
  - Update Standards-Version to 3.9.1.
  - Replace Conflicts: with Breaks:.

10. By Nicholas Breen

* New patch 03_autoconf_bashisms.dpatch: Eliminate two bashisms (test ==
  instead of =) in configure.ac, permitting use with dash instead.
* patches/30_git_release-4.0-patches.dpatch: Update to commit

9. By Nicholas Breen

* rules:
  - Drop chrpath workaround, underlying bug solved with mpich2
  - Add sparc to list of architectures for -openmpi.
* control:
  - Per above.
  - Set DM-Upload-Allowed: yes.
  - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
  - Add ${misc:Depends} for Lintian, except for -data and -lam which
    receive overrides instead.
* gromacs-parallel.README.Debian.in: Remove reference to LAM-MPI.
* patches/30_git_release-4.0-patches.dpatch: Update to commit
* source/format: Create and set explicitly to 1.0.
* source/lintian-overrides: Override debhelper-but-no-misc-depends for
  gromacs-data and gromacs-lam.

8. By Nicholas Breen

* New upstream release.
* patches/30_git_release-4.0-patches.dpatch: Empty out, replace with
  fresh pull starting at the 4.0.7 release; current to git commit

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