
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

17. By Enrico Zini <email address hidden>

* New upstream release
   - 1:255:12 and 1:255:14 now recognised as ships
   - fixed AIX-compatibility intexp10 in pollution importers/exporters
   - help swig pattern match Varcode lists correctly, so that Python
     bindings now work also for attribute management
* Added Vcs-Svn header
* Updated standards-version, no changes needed

16. By Olly Betts

* Non-maintainer upload with maintainer's agreement:
   - Depend on python-wxgtk2.8 instead of python-wxgtk2.6. Closes: #645626

15. By Enrico Zini <email address hidden>

* New upstream release
   - in rare cases, SYNOP exports would select the wrong context for
     temperature exports, incorrectly exporting minimum or maximum
     temperatures instead
   - tweaked sounding group detection to deal with an obscure TEMP recently
     added to the test suite
   - make check works on sqlite
   - flight import/export: all data moved from station information level to
     flight level, to prevent overlaps for flights on different days at the
     same coordinates
   - Added variables B01006, B01023, B20042, B20043, B20044, B20045, B02064,
     B07010, B08009, B11031, B11037, B11039, B11075, B11076 and B11077 for
     GTS AMDAR reports
   - Make sure that height levels for flights are expressed in millimeters
     as documented
   - Initial support for importing/exporting experimental WMO ACARS
   - When scanning flight identification numbers, give preference to B01008
     over B01006
* Avoid installing .la files and fixed doxygen dependencies, thanks to Luk
  Claes. Closes: #631898
* Migrated to dh_python2. Closes: #616784
* Depend on swig 2.0
* Fixed timestamp syntax in old changelog entries
* dballe-common: make arch:all
* fixed lintian spellchecking errors in debian/control

14. By Matthias Klose

gfortran-4.6 rebuild.

13. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild with python 2.7 as the python default.

12. By Enrico Zini <email address hidden>

* New upstream version
   + Lua bindings to be used from C
* Dropped sqliteodbc build-dep and disabled make check as a consequence.
  Closes: #581008

11. By Alessio Treglia

* Merge from debian unstable, Ubuntu remaining changes:
  - debian/{python-dballe.install,provami.install}: install all python
    stuffs in /usr/lib/python*/*-packages/ to build with Python 2.6.

10. By Alessio Treglia

* Merge from debian unstable, Ubuntu remaining changes:
  - debian/{python-dballe.install,provami.install}: install all python
    stuffs in /usr/lib/python*/*-packages/.

9. By Alessio Treglia

Use /usr/lib/python*/*-packages/ to install all the python stuffs in the
right places.

8. By Andrea Gasparini

no-change rebuild for libltdl3 -> libltdl7 transition (LP: #253940)

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