- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy-proposed/cups
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 140. By Till Kamppeter
patches/ lpadmin- ppdname- fix.patch: The lpadmin command did not send
the PPD name from the "-m" option and also the web interface did not use
the selected PPD file (LP: #1248578). - 139. By Till Kamppeter
local/cupsd- sync-files- on-close. patch: Corrected patch, the new
SyncOnClose directive needs to be in cups-files.conf (LP: #1157972,
Red Hat bug #984883). - 138. By Till Kamppeter
* debian/
patches/ cups-1. 6.4-changes. patch: Merged latest fixes from upstream,
taken from CUPS 1.6.4, as there is no public repository of CUPS any more
and due to Apple policies the next 1.7.x release, 1.7.0 final, happens
only with the next release of Mac OS X. Fixes:
- Removed some duplicate page size definitions for some ISO sizes that were
causing problems
- The IPP backend did not add the "last-document" attribute
- Added a SyncOnClose directive to cups-files.conf to force cupsd to
call fsync before closing any configuration/state files it writes
(LP: #1157972, Red Hat bug #984883).
- Added USB quirk rule for Lexmark E238
- Closed server connections were still not always detected
- The libusb-based USB backend now loads its list of quirks from files
in /usr/share/cups/usb instead of using a hardcoded table, this
makes spotting and fixing USB problems much easier.
- The scheduler did not properly register ICC color profiles with
* debian/patches/ usb-backend- more-quirk- rules.patch,
debian/patches/ handle- server- terminating- connection. patch,
debian/patches/ colord- add-profile- fix.patch: Removed, included upstream.
* debian/patches/ pidfile. patch,
debian/patches/ rootbackends- worldreadable. patch,
debian/patches/ airprint- support. patch,
debian/patches/ do-not- broadcast- with-hostnames. patch,
debian/patches/ mention- rfc2911- in-ipptoolfile- for-clarity. patch,
debian/patches/ add-ipp- backend- of-cups- 1.4.patch,
debian/patches/ confdirperms. patch,
debian/patches/ show-compile- command- lines.patch,
debian/patches/ log-debug- history- nearly- unlimited. patch: Refreshed with
* debian/local/apparmor- profile: Silenced AppArmor noise in syslog
(LP: #1229766).
* debian/local/cupsd- sync-files- on-close. patch: Activate CUPS daemon
syncing files when closing, so that config files (like printers.conf)
do not mysteriously disappear (LP: #1157972, Red Hat bug #984883).
* debian/cups-server- common. install: Install /usr/share/ cups/usb/ with the
USB backend quirk rules file. - 137. By Till Kamppeter
* debian/
local/cups- daemon. cups.upstart: Increased timeout for waiting for
the CUPS daemon to get ready before automatically configuring printers
from 3 sec to 30 sec, on slower systems CUPS often needs more than 3
seconds and so the automatic printer configuration does not get done
(LP: #933308).
* debian/cups.dirs: Create empty /etc/cups/interfaces directory
(LP: #499585). - 136. By Till Kamppeter
patches/ handle- server- terminating- connection. patch: Fix the handling
of a connection terminated by the server (LP: #1020048, comment #37 and
#44). - 135. By Till Kamppeter
* New upstream release
- Improved support for paid, PIN, and release printing
- Expanded support for IPP Everywhere
- Automatic support for data compression
- Improved CUPS APIs
* debian/patches/ usb-backend- do-not- crash-if- usb-disabled- in-bios. patch,
debian/patches/ cupsd-no- crash-on- avahi-threaded- poll-shutdown. patch:
Removed, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ drop-arch- specifics- from-doc. patch: Removed, not needed
any more.
* debian/patches/ get-ppd- file-for- statically- configured- ipp-shared- queues. patch,
debian/patches/ pidfile. patch,
debian/patches/ rootbackends- worldreadable. patch,
debian/patches/ cups-dbus- utf8.patch,
debian/patches/ airprint- support. patch,
debian/patches/ no-conffile- timestamp. patch,
debian/patches/ read-embedded- options- from-incoming- postscript- and-add- to-ipp- attrs.patch,
debian/patches/ tests-ignore- warnings. patch,
debian/patches/ tests-ignore- usb-crash. patch,
debian/patches/ test-i18n- nonlinux. patch,
debian/patches/ tests-wait- on-unfinished- jobs-everytime. patch,
debian/patches/ tests-fix- ppdLocalize- on-unclean- env.patch,
debian/patches/ tests-use- cupsfilters. patch,
debian/patches/ add-ipp- backend- of-cups- 1.4.patch,
debian/patches/ confdirperms. patch,
debian/patches/ show-compile- command- lines.patch,
debian/patches/ ppdc-dynamic- linking. patch,
debian/patches/ log-debug- history- nearly- unlimited. patch:
Refreshed with quilt.
* debian/patches/ ppd-poll- with-client- conf.patch,
debian/patches/ manpage- hyphen- minus.patch,
debian/patches/ drop_unnecessar y_dependencies. patch,
debian/patches/ do-not- broadcast- with-hostnames. patch,
debian/patches/ manpage- translations. patch,
debian/patches/ printer- filtering. patch: Updated manually to apply
to the new CUPS version.
* debian/patches/ ippfind- fix-port- output. patch: Fixed output of the port
number when listing available IPP printer URIs with ippfind.
* debian/patches/ tests-ignore- warnings. patch: Added error counting exception
from usb-backend-do-not- crash-if- usb-disabled- in-bios. patch to this patch.
* debian/patches/ ubuntu/ ubuntu- tests-skip- number- of-errors. patch:
Override error_log error message count test.
* debian/patches/ tests-skip- ipp.patch,
debian/patches/ ubuntu/ ubuntu- tests-skip- ipp.patch: Make the temporary
test override a Ubuntu-only patch.
* debian/patches/ manpage- translations. patch: Temporarily deactivated, po4a
* debian/cups-client. install, debian/rules: Install the newly added ippfind
utility and its man page.
* debian/libcups2- dev.install: Added pwg.h to libcups2-dev package.
* debian/control: Instead of removing the "Recommends: ghostscript-cups"
use "cups-filters (>= 1.0.36) | ghostscript-cups (>= 9.02~)".
* debian/libcups2. symbols, debian/ libcupsppdc1. symbols: Refreshed using the
diff of the dpkg-gensymbols output during build. - 134. By Adam Conrad
* debian/
patches/ tests-use- cupsfilters. patch: Update to reflect
the filter list in cups-filters 1.0.36 and fix the testsuite.
* debian/patches/ tests-skip- ipp.patch: Skip the IPP failure for
now so we can build successfully and fix Ubuntu image builds. - 133. By Didier Raboud
* New 1.6.3 upstream release:
- The lp, lpq, lpr, and lpstat now display an error message advising the
use of the /version=1.1 ServerName option (<rdar://problem/ 14290628> )
- Added documentation about the /version=1.1 option to ServerName in
client.conf (<rdar://problem/ 14216262> )
- httpStatus(HTTP_ERROR) did not return a useful error message
(Closes: #645436)
- The lp, lpq, lpr, and lpstat commands incorrectly ignored the default
printer set in the lpoptions file (Closes: #711848)
- The USB backend could crash on libusb-based systems if USB was
disabled in the BIOS (LP: #1108719).
- Added more USB quirks for the libusb-based backend
- The scheduler no longer tries to do Kerberos authentication over the
loopback interface. (Closes: #640939).[ Didier Raboud ]
* Refresh patches for 1.6.3:
- usb-backend-more-quirk- rules: Shrink to only Lexmark E238 that
missed 1.6.3 merge window
- usb-backend-do-not- crash-if- usb-disabled- in-bios: Shrink to only
keep the error counting exception.
- remove-unreal- printers: Drop, was from upstream.
- more-verbose-http-error- message: Drop, was from upstream.
- mention-ipp-version- specifier- in-man- and-ref: Drop, differently
included upstream. (Closes: #711848)
* Invert symlink handling in cups-client's preinst to cope with the
symlink-to-directory migration for /usr/share/doc. (Closes: #716867)
* Update usb backend quirks to fix Lexmark E238 printer (Closes: #716843)
* Get dpkg-maintscript-helper to delete /e/c/acroread.conf and
/e/c/pdftops.conf again in 1.6.2-9~ to cleanup upgrades from cups
1.5. (Closes: #711136)
* Update debian/watch to cope with the new cups.org layout[ Brian Potkin ]
* Rewrite README.Debian for Jessie (>= 1.6) (Closes: #714852) - 132. By Didier Raboud
[ Didier Raboud ]
* Mark the cups-client NEWS as released and make sure it can be
installed by dropping the /usr/share/doc/cups- client symlink.
Thanks to Evgeni Golov (Closes: #704238)
* Backport upstream patch to remove unreal printers from the potential
printers' list to avoid jobs to go to unexpected printers
(Closes: #711848)
* Backport upstream patch to enhance the HTTP_ERROR handling
(Closes: #645436)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4 without changes needed
* Source package cleanup:
- Drop outdated and not-applied cups-avahi.patch
- Drop unused bzr-builddep configuration files
- Add gitignore file to ignore .pc/ directory[ Helge Kreutzmann ]
* Update German manpages translation. - 131. By Didier Raboud
[ Helge Kreutzmann ]
* Update German manpages translation.
* In ipptoolfile manpage, mention that possible attribute-name are
defined in RFC2911, for clarity. (Closes: #711709)[ Didier Raboud ]
* Add a cups-client.NEWS notice, a cups-client manpage patch and amend
the client.conf example file to inform about IPP default version
change to 2.0 and circumvention measures. (Closes: #704238, #711192)
- thanks to Brian Potkin
* Reorder patches to have the manpages translation patch higher on the
patch queue
* Fix hyphen-correction typo
* Update manpage translations with the recent changes
* Drop outdated and not-applied colord-support patch.[ Alexey Galakhov ]
* Add patch to fix printer icc profiles registration in colord
(Closes: #711868)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/cups