- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy-proposed/cinder
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 21. By Chuck Short
* New upstream release candidate.
* debian/patches/ skip-sqlachemy- failures. patch: Dropped
* debian/patches/ fix-sqlalchemy- requirements. patch: Refreshed.
* debian/patches/ fix-babel- requirements. patch: Revert dependency requirement
for python-babel.
* debian/control:
- Dropped python-nose and python-setuptool- git.
- Added python-netaddr as a build-dependency. (LP: #1227153)
- Added python-six as a build-dependency.
- Added versioned dependencies to python-pbr, python-amqplib,
python-glanceclient, python-novaclient, and python-swiftclient,
python-lxml, python-webob, python-oslo.config, python-sqlalchemy,
python-fixtures, python-testtools, and python-fixtures
- Bumped versioned dependencies for python-eventlet, python-hp3parclient,
python-keystoneclient, and python-novaclient - 20. By Chuck Short
[ James Page ]
* d/control: Switch ceph-common -> python-ceph inline with upstream
refactoring of Ceph RBD driver, move to Suggests of python-cinder.
(LP: #1190791).[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/patches/ avoid_paramiko_ vers_depends. patch: Dropped, no longer
* Add minimum requirement python-greenlet (>= 0.3.2).
* Add minimum requirement python-eventlet (>= 0.12.0).
* Add minimum requirement python-paramiko (>= 1.8).[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/ skip-sqlachemy- failures. patch: Skip testfailures
with sqlalchemy 0.8 until they are fixed upstream.
* debian/control: Add python-babel to build-depends.
* debian/control: Add python-novaclient to build-depends. - 19. By Chuck Short
patches/ fix-sqlalchemy- requirements. patch: Fix requirements for sqlalchemy
0.8. - 18. By James Page
d/rules: Disable test parallel execution; causing FTBFS when high
levels of concurrency occur on buildds. - 17. By James Page
[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/patches/ avoid_paramiko_ vers_depends. patch: Refreshed
* debian/control: Add missing testrepostory.
* debian/rules: Use testr directly.[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control:
- Add minimum requirement python-anyjson (>= 0.3.3).
- Add minimum requirement python-keystoneclient (>= 0.2.3).
- Add minimum requirement python-kombu (>= 2.5.12).[ James Page ]
* New upstream release.
* d/control: Update VCS fields for new branch locations.
* d/rules: Run unit tests in parallel. - 16. By Chuck Short
[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/patches/ avoid_paramiko_ vers_depends. patch: Refreshed [ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control: Bump min. stevedore version >= 0.9.[Yolanda Robla]
* debian/tests: Added autopkgtests. - 15. By Chuck Short
[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream version.
* debian/patches/ fix_cinder_ dependencies. patch: Dropped.
* debian/control: Bump standards version to 3.9.4.
* debian/control: Add python-pbr and python-d2to1 to build-depends.
* debian/control: Add python-testtools and python-fixtures to build-depends
* debian/rules: Add work around to remove wonky setup.py setup
* debian/cinder- common. install: Add cinder- rpc-zmq- receiver binary. [ James Page ]
* debian/control: Drop surplus dependency on python-glance (LP: #1175600).
* debian/control, rules: Drop dependency on pep8, don't run pep8 tests during
package build process (its just way to late).
* debian/control: Drop surplus BD on python-cheetah.[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/patches/ avoid_paramiko_ vers_depends. patch: Avoid version
requirement on paramiko.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/cinder