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Recent revisions
- 62. By Tyler Hicks
* 0078-parser-
check-for- dbus-kernel- support. patch: The parser should not
include D-Bus rules in the binary policy that it loads into the kernel if
the kernel does not support D-Bus rules (LP: #1231778)
* 0079-utils-ignore- unsupported- log-events. patch: aa-logprof should ignore
audit events that it does not yet support instead of treating them as
errors (LP: #1243932) - 61. By Jamie Strandboge
status- is-bilingual. patch: aa-status was written to work with
python 2 or 3. Upstream is still using 2, so adjust ours to use
/usr/bin/python3 to avoid pulling python 2 back to the desktop images - 60. By Tyler Hicks
[ Tyler Hicks ]
* debian/patches/ 0059-dbus- rules-for- dbus-abstractio ns.patch: Add an
abstraction for the accessibility bus. It is currently very permissive,
like the dbus and dbus-session abstractions, and grants all permissions on
the accessibility bus. (LP: #1226141)
* debian/patches/ 0071-lp1226356. patch: Fix issues in parsing D-Bus and mount
rules. Both rule classes suffered from unexpected auditing behavior when
using the 'deny' and 'audit deny' rule modifiers. The 'deny' modifier
resulting in accesses being audited and the 'audit deny' modifier
resulting in accesses not being audited. (LP: #1226356)
* debian/patches/ 0072-lp1229393. patch: Fix cache location for .features
file, which was not being written to the proper location if the parameter
--cache-loc= is passed to apparmor_parser. This bug resulted in using the
.features file from /etc/apparmor.d/cache or always recompiling policy.
Patch thanks to John Johansen. (LP: #1229393)
* debian/patches/ 0073-lp1208988. patch: Update AppArmor file rules of UNIX
domain sockets to include read and write permissions. Both permissions are
required when a process connects to a UNIX domain socket. Also include new
tests for mediation of UNIX domain sockets. Thanks to Jamie Strandboge for
helping with the policy updates and testing. (LP: #1208988)
* debian/patches/ 0075-lp1211380. patch: Adjust the audio abstraction to only
grant access to specific pulseaudio files in the pulse runtime directory
to remove access to potentially dangerous files (LP: #1211380)[ Jamie Strandboge ]
* debian/patches/ 0074-lp1228882. patch: typo in ubuntu- browsers. d/multimedia
(LP: #1228882)
* 0076_sanitized_helper_ dbus_access. patch: allow applications run under
sanitized_helper to connect to DBus - 59. By Martin Pitt
Add 0070-etc-
writable. patch: Allow reading time configuration from
/etc/writable, as we have it on the phone. (LP: #1227520) - 58. By Jamie Strandboge
[ Tyler Hicks ]
* Move the aa-exec man page out of apparmor-utils into apparmor, since
aa-exec is now in apparmor
- debian/control: adjust Breaks/Replaces to use apparmor-utils
(<< 2.8.0-0ubuntu28)
- debian/apparmor. manpages: install the aa-exec man page
- debian/apparmor- utils.manpages: don't install the aa-exec man page
* debian/patches/ 0065-lp1220861. patch: Always NUL-terminate confinement
context strings returned from libapparmor (LP: #1220861)
* debian/patches/ 0066-lp1196880. patch: Don't assign mode pointer in
aa_getprocattr() if caller passed in NULL (LP: #1196880)
* debian/patches/ 0067-libapparmo r-mode- strings- are-not- to-be-freed. patch:
Update man page and code comments to make it clear that freeing the *con
string returned from libapparmor's getcon functions also frees the *mode
* debian/patches/ 0068-libapparmo r-mention- dbus-method- in-getcon- man.patch:
Document the D-Bus method, in the aa_getcon man page, that returns the
AppArmor task confinement string of a D-Bus connection[ Jamie Strandboge ]
* debian/patches/ 0069-p11kit- abstraction. patch: p11-kit needs access to
/usr/share/p11- kit/modules - 57. By Jamie Strandboge
apport/ source_ apparmor. py: AppArmor logs DBus messages to syslog,
adjust apport hook to also search there for denials - 56. By Jamie Strandboge
patches/ 0064-lp1218099. patch: add support for variable expansion in
dbus rules (LP: #1218099) - 55. By Tyler Hicks
[ Tyler Hicks ]
* Add support for mediation of D-Bus messages and services. AppArmor D-Bus
rules are described in the apparmor.d(5) man page. dbus-daemon will use
libapparmor to perform queries against the AppArmor policies to determine
if a connection should be able to send messages to another connection, if
a connection should be able to receive messages from another connection,
and if a connection should be able to bind to a well-known name.
- 0042-Fix-mount-rule- preprocessor- output. patch,
0043-libapparmor- Safeguard- aa_getpeercon- buffer- reallocat. patch,
0044-libapparmor- fix-return- value-of- aa_getpeercon_ raw.patch,
0045-libapparmor- Move-mode- parsing- into-separate- function. patch,
0046-libapparmor- Parse-mode- from-confinemen t-string- in-ge.patch,
0047-libapparmor- Make-aa_ getpeercon_ raw-similar- to-aa_get. patch,
0048-libapparmor- Update- aa_getcon- man-page- to-reflect- get.patch:
Backport parser and libapparmor pre-requisites for D-Bus mediation
- 0049-parser-Update- man-page- for-DBus- rules.patch: Update apparmor.d man
- 0050-parser-Add-support- for-DBus- rules.patch,
0051-parser- Regression- tests-for- DBus-rules. patch,
0052-parser- Binary- profile- equality- tests-for- DBus-rules. patch: Add
apparmor_parser support for D-Bus mediation rules
- 0053-libapparmor-Export- a-label- based-query- interface. patch,
debian/libapparmor1. symbols: Provide the libapparmor interface necessary
for trusted helpers to make security decisions based upon AppArmor
- 0054-libaalogparse-Parse- dbus-daemon- audit-messages. patch,
0055-libaalogparse- Regression- tests-for- dbus-daemon- audit.patch: Allow
applications to parse denials, generated by dbus-daemon, using
libaalogparse and add a set of regression tests
- 0056-tests-Add-an- optional- final-check- to-checktestfg. patch,
0057-tests-Add- required- features- check.patch,
0058-tests-Add- regression- tests-for- dbus.patch: Add regression tests
which start their own dbus-daemon, load profiles containing D-Bus rules,
and confine simple D-Bus service and client applications
- 0059-dbus-rules-for- dbus-abstractio ns.patch: Add bus-specific, but
otherwise permissive, D-Bus rules to the dbus and dbus-session
abstractions. Confined applications that use D-Bus should already be
including these abstractions in their profiles so this should be a
seamless transition for those profiles.
* 0060-utils-make_clean_ fixup.patch: Clean up the Python cache in the
AppArmor tests directory
* 0061-profiles-dnsmasq- needs-dbus- abstraction. patch: Dnsmasq uses the
system D-Bus when it is started with --enable-dbus, so its AppArmor
profile needs to include the system bus abstraction
* 0062-fix-clone-test- on-arm. patch: Fix compiler error when building
regression tests on ARM
* 0063-utils-ignore- unsupported- rules.patch: Utilities that use the
Immunix::AppArmor perl module, such as aa-logprof and aa-genprof, error
out when they encounter rules unsupported by the perl module. This patch
ignores unsupported rules.[ Jamie Strandboge ]
* debian/control: don't have easyprof Depends on apparmor-easyprof- ubuntu - 54. By Tyler Hicks
* 0040-libapparmo
r-support- pkg-config. patch: Make it easier for other
sources to build against libapparmor with pkg-config
- debian/control: Add pkg-config as a Build-Depends
- debian/libapparmor- dev.install: Install libapparmor pkg-config file
* 0041-parser-fix-flags. patch: Minimal fix for cache failures when the
feature file is larger than the feature buffer used for cache version
comparison - 53. By Jamie Strandboge
* debian/
patches/ 0038-lp1200392. patch: allow mmap of fglrx dri libraries
(LP: #1200392)
* debian/patches/ 0039-fix- parser- cache-loc. patch: fix apparmor cache
tempfile location to use passed arg
* debian/lib/apparmor/ functions: update to also load from
/var/lib/apparmor/ profiles and write cache to /var/cache/apparmor
* debian/apparmor. dirs: create /var/cache/apparmor and
/var/lib/apparmor/ profiles
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/apparmor