
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

12. By Sebastien Bacher

No change upload to raring to ensure that the version is newer than
the one SRUed in precise for lp: #924508

11. By Jessica McKellar

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix Replaces line. (Closes: #636201)

10. By Emmet Hikory

* Split out libwildmidi-config to comply with Policy 8.2
* Add Multi-Arch support
  - debian/control: add Multi-Arch:, Pre-Depends, bump debhelper version
  - debian/libwildmidi{1,-dev}.install: adjust library paths
  - debian/compat: increase to compatibility level 9
* debian/control: use [linux-any] for Build-Depends (Closes: 634748)
* Bump Policy to 3.9.2

9. By Emmet Hikory

* New upstream release
* Drop 01_wildmidi-static-follows-non-static-declaration: adopted upstream
* 06_wildmidi.cfg-path: rebase
* 07_manpage_conformity: manpage syntax cleanups
* Bump policy to 3.9.1
* Migrate to dh(1)
* Pass --with-wildmidi-cfg instead of --with-timidity-cfg (Closes: 608654)

8. By Sebastian Dröge

* debian/patches/01_wildmidi-static-follows-non-static-declaration.patch:
  + Fix build failure of the OSS sound output support.

7. By Sebastian Dröge

* New upstream release:
  + debian/control,
    - Update for new soname.
  + debian/wildmidi.install,
    - Add manpages, which are now CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed.
  + debian/copyright:
    - Update copyright for the CC BY-SA 3.0 manpages.

6. By Sebastian Dröge

* New upstream release:
  + Dropped documentation from original source tarball because
    it's licensed under a non-free Creative Commons non-commercial
  + debian/patches/01_config-parser.patch,
    - Dropped, merged upstream.
  + debian/copyright:
    - Update licenses to GPLv3 and LGPLv3.
  + debian/control,
    - Update symbols and shlibs version and add a Breaks
      against gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad (<< 0.10.19-2) because
      of API changes without a soname change. No other package
      is using the library right now and upstream is now aware
      of the problem.

5. By Sebastian Dröge

* debian/libwildmidi0.symbols,
  + Add export symbols regex to only export symbols that should be exported.
* debian/patches/07_invalid-free.patch:
  + Patch by Benjamin Otte to fix an invalid free.
* debian/source/format,
  + Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
* debian/rules:
  + Generate correct shlibs file and fail the build if the symbols file
    is wrong.
* debian/control:
  + Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
  + Line-wrap control fields.
  + Add ${misc:Depends} to the -dev package.
  + Make shared library package dependency of the -dev package
    more strict to fix a lintian warning.

4. By Sebastian Dröge

* debian/rules,
  + Recommend freepats and put a default wildmidi configuration using
    freepats into /etc/wildmidi/wildmidi.cfg.

3. By Sebastian Dröge

Sync of the Debian package that currently waits on NEW.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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