
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/raring/python-cdd
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Recent revisions

7. By Otavio Salvador

[ Martin Fuzzey ]
use hashlib instead of md5, sha (Closes: #595465)

6. By Otavio Salvador

[ Martin Fuzzey ]
* python-apt 0.8 API transition (Closes: #572055)

[ Otavio Salvador ]
* Update to dpkg-source 3.0 (native) format.

5. By Otavio Salvador

[ Martin Fuzzey ]
* cdd.PackageList:
  - Use apt_pkg.VersionCompare. Closes: #511116
* cdd.Package:
  - Apply patch from Alexander Inyukhin for missing fields. Closes: #502648

4. By Otavio Salvador

[ Martin Fuzzey ]
* cdd.Filesystem:
  - match() now returns filenames relative to base for coherencey

* cdd.PackageList:
  - Add versionned dependencies
  - Add missing fields to dump
  - Add exclude filters
  - Add field-XXX filter for any package field
  - Fix dependency resolution (failing unit tests)
  - Improve unittests to verify package names not just counts.

[ Otavio Salvador ]
* Add VCS-{Git,Browser} to debian/control.

3. By Otavio Salvador

Use -undef when calling cpp pre-processor to avoid linux and other
standard and gcc specific macros to be used. Closes: #399268

2. By Otavio Salvador

[ Otavio Salvador ]
* Fix package selection to right use the scores.
* Use a goodness logic to select packages and then avoid to use brute
  force to selected the _almost_ minimal package set.
* Include a test to ensure that we return the broken package when
  raising PackageList.BrokenDependencies exception. Fixes #18.

1. By Otavio Salvador

[ Otavio Salvador ]
* debian/rules: remove build-essential from Build-Depends field of built
  control file.
* debian/control: remove build-essential from Build-Depends field.
* PackageList: add debian-cd tasks to include list while pre-processing
  include-from filter option. Fixes #19.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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