- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/raring/nova
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 103. By Chuck Short
* debian/
nova-cells. upstart: Fix typo in upstart job. (LP: #1163218)
* debian/control: Add iptables dependency. (LP: #1172393) - 101. By Chuck Short
[ James Page ]
* d/control: Promote novnc and websockify to Depends for
nova-novncproxy (LP: #1066845).[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release. - 100. By Chuck Short
[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/ avoid_setuptool s_git_dependenc y.patch: Refreshed.
* debian/control: Clean up dependencies:
- Dropped python-gflags no longer needed.
- Dropped python-daemon no longer needed.
- Dropped python-glance no longer needed.
- Dropped python-lockfile no longer needed.
- Dropped python-simplejson no longer needed.
- Dropped python-tempita no longer needed.
- Dropped python-xattr no longer needed.
- Add sqlite3 required for the testsuite.[ James Page ]
* d/watch: Update uversionmangle to deal with upstream versioning
changes, remove tarballs.openstack. org. - 99. By Chuck Short
[ Chuck Short ]
* New usptream release.
* debian/patches/ debian/ patches/ fix-ubuntu- tests.patch: Refreshed.
* debian/nova-baremetal. logrotate: Fix logfile path.
* debian/control, debian/nova-spiceproxy .{install, logrotate, upstart}:
Add spice html5 proxy support.
* debian/nova-novncproxy .upstart: Start on runlevel [2345]
* debian/rules: Call testr directly since run_tests.sh -N gives weird return
value when tests pass.
* debian/pyddist- overrides: Add websockify.
* debian/nova-common. postinst: Removed config file conversion, since
the option is no longer available. (LP: #1110567)
* debian/control: Add python-pyasn1 as a dependency.
* debian/control: Add python-oslo-config as a dependency.
* debian/control: Suggest sysfsutils, sg3-utils, multipath-tools for fibre
channel support.[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control: Fix typo (websocikfy -> websockify). - 98. By Jamie Strandboge
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix lack of authentication on block device used for
- debian/patches/ CVE-2013- 0208.patch: adjust nova/compute/api.py to
validate we can access the volumes
- CVE-2013-0208 - 96. By Chuck Short
[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/ ubuntu- show-tests. patch: Dropped no longer needed.
* debian/nova-xcp- plugins. install: Fix xcp-plugins empty packages
* debian/control: Drop python-nose in favor or testrepository
* debian/control: Add python-coverage as a build dep.
* debian/rules, debian/control: Run pep8 tests.
* debian/*.init: Remove they are not needed and take up space
* debian/control, debian/nova-cells. {install, logrotate, upstart}: Add
cells support.
* debian/patches/ fix-ubuntu- tests.patch: temporarily disable failing tests.
* debian/control, debian/nova-baremetal. {install, logrotate, upstart}: Add
nova baremetal support.
* debian/control: Remove python-support.[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/*.manpages: Install Sphinx-generated manpages instead of
our own.
* debian/nova-compute- *.conf: Specify the newly required compute_driver
flag in addition to libvirt_type.
* debian/control: Specify required python-webob and python-stevedore
versions.[ Yolanda Robla ]
* debian/*.upstart: Use start-stop-daemon instead of su for chuid
(LP: #1086833).
* debian/rules: Remove override of dh_installinit for discriminating
between Debian and Ubuntu.
* debian/nova-common. docs: Installing changelogs from rules
* debian/rules: Replacing perms in /etc/nova/logging. conf for 0644
* debian/control: adduser dependency on nova-compute.
* debian/control: added section oldlibs and priority extra on
nova-ajax-console- proxy.
* debian/nova-xvpvncprox y.postrm: removing because of duplicates. [ James Page ]
* d/control: Add ~ to python-sqlalchemy- ext versioned dependencies to
make backporting easier.
* d/control: Updated nova-volume description and depdendencies to
mark it as a transitional package, moved to oldlibs/extra.
* d/p/fix-libvirt- tests.patch: Dropped; accepted upstream.
* d/control: Added python-stevedore to BD's.
* d/*.postrm: Dropped postrm's that just run update-rc.d; this is not
required when deploying upstart configurations only.
* d/nova-scheduler. manpages: Add man page for nova-rpc- zmq-receiver.
* d/rules: Install upstream changelog with a policy compliant name.
* d/control: Mark nova-compute-xcp as virtual package.
* d/control: nova-api-os-volume; Depend on cinder-api and mark as
transitional package.
* d/nova-api-os- volume. lintian- overrides: Dropped - no longer required. - 95. By Chuck Short
[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control: Ensure novaclient is upgraded with nova,
require python-keystoneclient >= 1:2.9.0. (LP: #1073289)
* debian/patches/ {ubuntu/ *, rbd-security. patch}: Dropped, applied
* debian/control: Add python-testtools to Build-Depends.[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream version.
* Refreshed debian/patches/ avoid_setuptool s_git_dependenc y.patch.
* debian/rules: FTBFS if missing binaries.
* debian/nova-scheudler. install: Add missing rabbit-queues and
nova-rpc-zmq- receiver.
* Remove nova-volume since it doesnt exist anymore, transition to cinder-*.
* debian/rules: install apport hook in the right place.
* debian/patches/ ubuntu- show-tests. patch: Display test failures.
* debian/control: Add depends on genisoimage
* debian/control: Suggest guestmount.
* debian/control: Suggest websockify. (LP: #1076442)
* debian/nova.conf: Disable nova-volume service.
* debian/control: Depend on xen-system-* rather than the hypervisor.
* debian/control, debian/mans/nova- conductor. 8, debian/ nova-conductor. init,
debian/nova-conductor. install, debian/ nova-conductor. logrotate
debian/nova-conductor. manpages, debian/ nova-conductor. postrm
debian/nova-conductor. upstart. in: Add nova-conductor service.
* debian/control: Add python-fixtures as a build deps. - 94. By Chuck Short
[ Adam Gandelman ]
* Move management of /var/lib/nova/volumes from nova-common to
nova-volume. Ensure it has proper permissions. (LP: #1065320)
* debian/patches/ avoid_setuptool s_git_dependenc y.patch: Remove
setuptools_git from tools/pip-requires to avoid it being automatically
added to python-nova's runtime dependencies. (LP: #1059907)[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/patches/ rbd-security. patch: Support override of ceph rbd
user and secret in nova-compute. (LP: #1065883)
* debian/patches/ ubuntu/ fix-libvirt- firewall- slowdown. patch: Fix
refreshing of security groups in libvirt not to block on RPC calls.
(LP: #1062314)
* debian/patches/ ubuntu/ fix-ec2- volume- id-mappings. patch: Read deleted
snapshot and volume id mappings. (LP: #1065785)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy/nova