
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/raring-proposed/juju
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

26. By Martin Packman

[ Clint Byrum ]
* d/p/fix-tests-do-not-use-etc-lsb-release: Dropped, patch applied upstream.
* d/p/maas-tag-conversion.patch: Dropped, patch applied upstream.
* d/juju.docs: Remove examples as they have been dropped upstream.

[ Mark Mims ]
* Add postinst and prerm scripts using update-alternatives to install into
  a versioned location, enabling co-installability with the go juju port.

[ Martin Packman ]
* New upstream release. (lp: #1167921)
* d/p/workaround-lxc-python-env.patch: Workaround regression with local
  provider failing with SyntaxError on running lxc scripts when user has
  Python 3 specific environment variables set. (lp: #1130809)

25. By Martin Packman

d/patches/maas-tag-conversion.patch: Fix maas provider api usage
of maas-tags constraint. (LP: #1064734)

24. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

* New upstream release
* d/control: Removing libvirt-bin from Suggests as it is no longer

23. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

New upstream snapshot.

22. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

* New upstream release
* d/control: build-dep and dep on procps because "kill" is called
  in juju.lib.service

21. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

* New upstream snapshot
* Use new environment variable to raise test timeout since
  5s may be too low on some buidlds. (LP: #1026714)

20. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

New upstream release

19. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

New upstream snapshot

18. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

New upstream snapshot

17. By Clint Byrum <email address hidden>

Initial Packaging (Closes: #629857)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
