
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

255. By Martin Pitt

releasing version 1.15.3-0ubuntu1

254. By Martin Pitt

Add fix_autoreconf_m4.patch: Partially revert commit fdbe5dd3f to fix
aclocal failure on missing m4/. (GNOME #693634)

253. By Martin Pitt

new upstream release 1.15.3

252. By Martin Pitt

Add 00git_fix_drive_tests.patch: Fix race condition in Drive tests which
consistently broke our autopkgtest runs.

251. By Sebastien Bacher

debian/patches/git_uevent_segfault.patch: "MTP: Fix race between
on_uevent and do_unmount.", thanks Philip Langdale (lp: #1101986)

250. By Martin Pitt

* debian/watch: Look for development releases, too.
* New upstream release:
  - Add new MTP backend. In particular this can access Android 4.0 devices
    which do not support the USB Mass Storage interface any more.
    (LP: #903422)
  - See NEWS for other changes.
* Bump build depends and add libmtp-dev according to upstream configure.ac.
* debian/gvfs-backends.install: Install new MTP monitor.
* Drop debian/tests/gvfs-test, it has been accepted upstream. Update
  debian/tests/integration to use tests/gvfs-test instead.
* Add 00git_fix_archivemounter_tests.patch: Fix ArchiveMounter tests.

249. By Robert Ancell

New upstream release

248. By Martin Pitt

debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Ensure we can resolve our hostname in the
testbed, and that /run/samba/ exists.

247. By Martin Pitt

* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Use "pkill -SIGNAL" syntax for better
  compatibility with other distros.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Copy test files into the sandbox as well.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Drop copying of SSL configuration; generating
  certificates on the fly is too brittle across different distributions,
  upstream tests now ship a static certificate.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Drop copying of SSH configuration; generating
  host keys on the fly is too brittle across different distributions,
  upstream tests now ship static host keys and a local server configuration.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Stop setting up /var/log/ssh/ in the testbed.
  Current upstream tests now use a temporary file.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Stop exporting SSHD, current upstream tests now
  determine the path themselves.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Generate ssh key for the testbed user, so that
  we do not need to make assumptions about gvfs-testbed in the Sftp tests.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Consistently mount with -n option.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Make / a private mount in the testbed, to work
  around the overlay mounts spilling into the real system through unshare -m
  on current Fedora.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Create minimal self-contained Samba
  configuration instead of relying on the original system files.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Copy some additional files to make the testbed
  run on Fedora.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Adjust for different directories and service
  names on Fedora.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Explicitly set "map to guest" option to fix
  anonymous login under Fedora's samba.
* debian/tests/gvfs-test, debian/tests/files: Update to current upstream
  version, which brings several improvements and adjustments.
* debian/tests/gvfs-testbed: Set $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, as we won't otherwise
  have it in the testbed.

246. By Iain Lane

Disable bluray support as libbluray isn't in main. Look at enabling this
at a more leisurely pace later.

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