
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/raring-proposed/gcr
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

6. By Martin Pitt

Add 00git_gobject_gi_name.patch: Use GObject.Object instead of GLib.Object
in introspection annotations. Patch backported from 3.8. Fixes FTBFS.
(LP: #1163786)

5. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream versions:
  - Remove unneeded translation
  - Clear and focus password entry in gcr-viewer when invalid password
  - Keep enumerating if getting info about one slot fails.
  - Updated translations
  - Testing fixes

4. By Michael Biebl

* Fix the Breaks/Replaces in libgcr-3-common. Closes: #673581
* Drop obsolete Replaces for libgnome-keyring-dev (<< 2.25).

3. By Jordi Mallach

* Let libgck-1-0 break gnome-keyring and seahorse (<< 3.4), as their
  3.2.x versions don't work when using the new lib.
* Upload to unstable.

2. By Jordi Mallach

[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* New upstream release split from gnome-keyring.
* Update Build-Depends and Depends.
* Add necessary Breaks/Replaces.
* Update .symbols files.
* Rewrite copyright file using the machine-readable 1.0 format.

[ Jordi Mallach ]
* New upstream release.
* Fix some copyright notices in copyright file.
* Update watch file.
* Add Vcs-* headers.
* Enable introspection support.
* Add libgcr-base-3-1 symbols. For now, we won't use a separate package.
* Update package names for DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS.
* Require libglib2.0-dev >= 2.32, to fix a build error.
* Drop dh-autoreconf, we don't need it right now.
* Stop configuring with --enable-static, and drop .a files from -dev
* Pass --libexecdir to configure, to avoid a reference to unexpanded
  ${prefix}/lib/gcr/gcr-prompter in the prompter's desktop file.
* Fix typo in gcr's description.

1. By Jordi Mallach

Import upstream version 3.4.1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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